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Trigger Warning - content that involves physical and emotional abuse.


(All Rights Reserved)

January 17th, 2017 - Tuesday

Eighteen-year-old Alessa Aurora Centofani walked through the place that she loved to frequent so much; the woods She let out a sigh of content as she absorbed the scenery before her. Her senses filled with the smell of the trees that surrounded her. One thing that Alessa particular loved so much about the woods; is that she could visit when angry, or sad and feel instant relief. Currently at this moment Alessa was all of those things.

She smiled while taking in the scenery of the giant maple, chestnut, and oak trees that surrounded her in the calming woods. As she continued on her path, she was swatting the occasional bug out of her face as she observed all of the moss on the chopped down trees and dead leaves lying about the dirty ground.

She took in the sound of birds chirping from above her, looking up and seeing the tree leaves moving and rustling as the wind kissed them. She loved the woods and truly did believe that she belonged there. The only thing that stopped her from moving into the woods was the fact that wild animals were roaming about. As much as her boyfriend Alec made her angry she hadn't wished death upon herself just yet. She still enjoyed having her heart beating.

Alessa continued walking down the path until she reached her final destination. The place that truly made her feel at home, the place she came to when she needed to calm down; the lake. She found her usual algae covered rock and sat on it. She sighed in content, looking at the blue sky with clouds scattered about above her, and seeing the occasional bird fly by.

The scenery was so happy, it had her wondering what happened to make her life so sad and miserable.

She flipped her dark brown hair out of her face and rubbed her eyes.

She turned her view to the lake; staring at her reflection. Her once lively brown eyes were now dull, her lip was split and she had a very dark circle under her right eye. She wished things could just go back to the way that they were before everything happened.

She knew though that it would never happen. He was changed for good now, and there was no going back. If she could go back in time she would, she could up and leave if she wanted to. That was the issue though - she didn't want to because she loved him too much.

Before everything, he never once forced her to do anything she didn't want to do. He was extremely nice and sweet. He would bring her flowers every time they had gone on a date. He would gladly hand her his warm leather jacket when she was cold. He would open the doors for her like a gentleman, and always brought her to nice fancy restaurants. He even suffered through watching her favorite movie 'The Notebook' multiple times because he loved her that much.

Then things changed, of course, not everything stays the same. Although, this time she wished it did. She would be much happier, but there is not anything that she can do to change it.

Now she's stuck keeping.

Her Secret,

And he is still doing,

His Sin.

Her Secret, His Sin. (Rewriting 2022)Where stories live. Discover now