Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

February Twenty Seventh 2013 - WEDNESDAY (All Right Reserved) (Dean Geyer as Derek, imagine him with greener eyes)

(Back in third person's POV)

Alessa followed the two boys to the movie theater.

They were debating on what movie they wanted to watch when Alessa noticed 'Identity Thief' was in theaters, she squeaked with excitement, she didn't find anyone attractive in that movie, except for maybe T.I but Alec doesn't know that. It's perfect!

"Identity Thief!" She squeaked out, they nodded with approval. "Good choice baby." Alec praised, that simple action made Alessa excited, she was happy when he was. Once they got their tickets Alessa had to practically beg Alec to take her to get popcorn and drinks, of course they sneaked candy in from the store. The movie theater had ridiculously priced candy.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The boy at the counter asked, his eyes trailing down Alessa's body, as much as his eyes could anyways. Even though she was dressed in something that covered almost every inch of her skin, she still got boys on her.

"You can start by not checking out my fiancè!" Alec growled. "Whoa, man I'm sorry..." The man raised his hand in surrender. "U-um, never mind." Alessa choked out running into the room where the movie was being played, she tried finding Derek before Alec came to find her...

But of course she couldn't do that, Alec pulled her back by her arm. "What the fuck was that?" He hissed quietly in her ear, he made sure he wasn't acting too violently towards her, he couldn't afford to have the cops come and find her bruises, it wouldn't look too well on him.

"I didn't want anything to happen, I saw you getting mad so I thought it was better to leave!" She cried out, he was starting to get ideas she could tell, he always did when she made something suspicious, even though she had no idea who that man was he still managed to ruin her day. "C'mon, we're gonna go watch the fucking movie, then I'll deal with you and make you learn your fucking lesson after." He growled in her ear before dragging her back into the room painfully.

He looked around to find Derek when he saw him waving like a maniac at the top of the floor. Alec dragged Alessa up the stairs, she tried not to wince since he was grabbing her a little bit too hard. "Yo, where's the popcorn." Derek complained. "The man at the register was checking her out." Alec snapped. "Whoa! What? Even though she's wearing something like that? Damn! Respect!" Derek smirked, Alessa winced. Even though Derek said it, since he was in a bad mood already she would pay for it.

"Yeah, yeah, shut up and watch the damn trailers." Alec snapped grabbing onto Alessa's hand, she immediately intertwined her fingers in his and laid her head on his shoulder and watched the trailers.

"Love you." He mumbled in her ear, she looked back up at him and smiled pecking him on the lips. "Love you more." She sighed in content, and he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, and watched the trailers with her.

* * *

They walked out of the theaters laughing. "Sandy? Isn't that a girls name?" Derek imitated from the movie. "It's unisex!" Alec exclaimed, making Alessa giggle. They were fools. "Oh man! I need her to teach me how to throw a punch like that, that woman went ham." Alessa sighed. "Yeah, that would be good. Just punch a man who tries to flirt with you in the throat and run, run like your about to die..." Alec trailed off.

Alessa just nodded and they got into the car, Derek took his own car to the movie theater so they quickly hugged him goodbye, then took off home. "I'm so fucking angry at you Alessa." Alec scolded. "Why?" She whined, he gave her a stern look. "Because, I said so. Don't ask fucking questions!" He yelled, she flinched but nodded anyways.

A tear streamed out of her left eye, but she swatted at it angrily. leaning her head on the frame of the door. She hated him, but she loved him all at the same time. She looked over at him sadly, hoping tonight would be different.

She just hoped it would be different...

He was such a different person with people around, he was calm... Collected... She didn't have to worry about being beat every second of the day, he joked around. He was normal, that was one of the reasons nobody suspected anything...

She sighed and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her away.


Waking up whilst being dragged isn't such a good way to wake up, Alessa let out a short scream of surprise, she was literally being dragged out of the car. "What the fuck Alec, I can walk!" She screeched at him. He glared at her, telling her to shut the fuck up with his eyes, and she did.. She shut up immediately. "Please not on the face or the throat! My brother is coming and I don't want him to suspect anything.." She begged, he looked at her, thinking about it for a minute then he nodded. "Alright, fine, but I'm sure your parents already told him about your slip up." He snapped, Alessa glared at him "Yeah, well even if they did we don't need to give him another reason to suspect anything!" Alessa snapped, causing Alec to glare at her.

"Was that a attitude I heard?" He growled, Alessa shook her head violently. "N-no! I wouldn't!" She stuttered stepping back towards the wall

Then she suffered one more night of abuse...

February Twenty Eighth 2013 Eight A.M THURSDAY.

Alessa ran from her fiancè trying to get away from him with tears streaming down her face, she noticed the door and ran towards it, Alec shouted behind her, he was right on her tail. "Fucking run Alessa, I fucking dare you, you'll just make the chase more fun yeah?" Alec smirked, obviously amused at her plot to escape, but Alessa didn't notice his amusement as she bolted towards the front door, she tried unlocking the door, but the top was locked, and the top part was the kind of locks that only unlocked if you had keys.

"FUCK!" She cried out, clawing at the door desperately, she glanced behind her seeing Alec striding towards her, anger was obviously written on his face... She shook her head, glancing around trying to find any kind of way to get out of the house. She quickly remembered the garage, it would be difficult getting out of the hurricane, but she would still be able to do it.

She bolted towards the garage door that wasn't too far from the front door, opening it immediately, she switched on the light. Trying to scope around for anything to hold the door from opening whilst she escaped, she found a chair, metal pipe, a hammer, and wood.

She placed the chair under the door making sure it was secured before running towards the garage door, careful not to step on anything sharp on the floor.

Her garage was a mess.

She pulled the garage door open with all her might, once it was opened she mentally did a dance...

But all her joy vanished when she saw whom was in front of her...

Well shit.

Her Secret, His Sin. (Rewriting 2022)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें