Chapter 1

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WARNING: Contains abusive content throughout the book. Do not read if you have a sensitive stomach or if you have any bad experiences with abuse.

(Authors Note: Martina Stella as ALESSA , just imagine her with brown hair. :))

(All Rights Reserved)

February Twenty Sixth 2019 - TUESDAY


Dull was the feeling that Alessa was feeling. She felt worse than she did two years ago, but even that didn't make her leave Alec, she couldn't. She loved him too much to break his heart like that she knew beneath his mean exterior he didn't mean to do anything that he did to her. He made sure to tell her every time, he always apologized.

She grabbed her outfit of the day, then went into the bathroom she bit her lip at her new injury.

A split eyebrow, she knew below her neck there were more cuts and bruises... She huffed, a split eyebrow was going to be hard to cover, she got into the shower careful not to injure herself anymore, the water hitting her bruises was painful but she had to endure through it, she knew one day he would stop.

She just knew it. He had to.

Once out of the shower she dressed for winter weather to ensure that her bruises and cuts were covered well.

Sighing in discomfort, she grabbed her concealer and tried concealing the dark circle under her left eye, then she grabbed her eyebrow pencil, she'd have to come up with a lie about what happened to her eyebrow.

I fell down the stairs?

No, she used that last week.

I fell off my bed and hit my eyebrow on the corner of my island?

No, that's not believable.

I was babysitting and one of the kids headbutted me?

No, that doesn't make sense.

I got in a fight..

Yeah, that's believable but isn't appropriate for her type of employment.

She decided to go with whatever popped up in her head if she was questioned.

As long as she didn't stutter, or do anything to make them think anymore. As long as she doesn't say anything other than that, she'll be fine. She smiled and applied her makeup, even though it wouldn't be visible under her sunglasses, she still liked knowing under the glasses she looked flawless, black eyeliner rimmed under and above her brown eyes, mascara accented her long luscious eyelashes, lip gloss made her dark full lips look glossy, it even covered her split lip a little bit.

She had brown hair curled, she smiled at the mirror in satisfaction, then walked outside slipping on her dark black bug eyed glasses, hopping in her black Honda civic, she didn't have a fancy car, and she didn't have a awful one, it was a normal car.

Driving to the high school she once attended until she was eighteen, where she worked as a Teacher now, she parked the car and walked inside the school, then went into the bathroom attempting to cover up her eye, but it didn't work that great.. She couldn't teach her students with a black eye! What a bad example..

She sighed and slipped on her glasses then went into her classroom preparing everything, she looked up at the time seeing she only had five minutes until the bell rang and the kids came into the room. She closed her eyes and breathed in, she knew the students were going to ask a bunch of questions, they always did when she came in with glasses.

Her Secret, His Sin. (Rewriting 2022)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora