Chapter 14

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April Eighth 2013 - MONDAY (All Rights Reserved)


True numbness was when you felt tingling in your arm and it felt numb, but emotional numbness was completely different, it made you feel empty, used, dirty, alone.

That was exactly how Alessa felt, empty, used, dirty and alone. After Alec had his pretty little way with her the night before he left right after, commanding her to stay in the room. She choked back a sob, then went in her jeans searching for her phone.

Once she found it she immediately did a happy dance, she told Alec she didn't know where it was. Which was obviously a lie, she would have to be careful using it, she went through the contacts and saw all of the contacts were already loaded, she saw Lance's name and she texted him.

Alessa: Oh god, help me Lance...please.

She wiped the tears away from her eyes.

Lance: What happened, god damn it, Alessa what's the prick done now?!

She choked back the sob, he had already known it was Alec.

Alessa: Come see me, please...

Lance: Already on my way, Seth is that alright?

Alessa: Yes, fine, I don't care.

Alessa showered and put on a T-shirt with some sweats, she walked down the stairs ignoring Alec's command to stay in the room, someone had to open the door for the men, once she was down the stairs she froze at what she saw.

Alec, with another woman.

She whimpered but quickly covered it and ran up the stairs as silent as possible.

Alessa: Never mind! Don't come! He's downstairs.

She locked the bedroom door and wiped the tears from her eyes.

She didn't know why she was sad, that was something she could use against him to leave, but even in the few days she knew him he nudged his way into her heart, as much as she hated to admit it, she loved Alec a teeny tiny bit, but she was not going to stay with him if he was just gonna cheat on her.

She was glad Alec hadn't heard her little whimper seeing him with that other woman.

Lance: Nonsense, it doesn't matter, I'm still on my way, I'll climb your window?

She didn't answer she just threw her phone aside, she looked around the room seeing her pain pills.

She dumped the whole bottle into her hand going into the restroom she grabbed a cup that was usually used for Listerine, but washed it out and filled it with some of the tap water. She shoved all of the pills in her hand and chased it down with water, she walked back to the bed and laid down on the bed, she fell asleep with a smile on her face.


Lance checked his phone waiting for a response it had been 20 minutes, when he didn't get one he rushed to the house more faster.

"Come on Alessa, answer." He muttered to himself

"Yo, man, calm down I'm sure she's alright she probably didn't check her phone, she'll respond" Seth tried convincing him. "No! You don't understand, somethings wrong...I can feel it." He snapped, once he pulled up to her house he decided climbing the window was his safest bet, seeing as there was a car he didn't recognize parked outside of the house.

He saw Alessa laying there with a small smile on her face, he climbed through the window to hear banging on the door. "Alessa! Open the door god damn it!" The voice of Alec yelled through the door, but not even the loud banging woke her was almost like she was dead.

Lance knew something was wrong with that, Alessa was always a light sleeper, once through her window he went to shake her but her arms were cold. "Alessa?" His voice broke, he continued shaking her.

"Um, Lance you might want to see this." Seth's voice sounded throughout the room. Lance turned around to see Seth holding Alessa's empty bottle of Oxycodones, the empty bottle made Lance's body turn cold.

"No, no, she didn't. No, NO!" He roared turning and punching the wall, he ran towards the door and swung the door open, seeing Alec there about to kick the door. "What the fuck did you do?!" Lance roared in his face punching him, Alec fell to the floor with a thump. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY SISTER!" Lance screamed in his face and started kicking him. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Alec roared back trying to protect his precious little ribs.

"She's... You killed her." Lance sobbed falling to the floor. "No, man, she has a chance of being alive, come on we just have to flush the drugs out of her system." Lance nodded and Seth held her up. "You know what to do." Lance nodded and ran down the stairs and grabbed a table spoon, opening Alessa's mouth seeing her tongue blocking her airway, he scooped her tongue back and kind of reached the spoon towards her throat, gagging her so she could throw it all up.

"Come can do it Alessa." Lance muttered. When she successfully opened her eyes and gagged, throwing up. Once she finished she looked at Lance. "Hey, you made it..." She smiled lazily. "Oh god, Alessa, please don't do that to me again!" Lance cried pulling her into his arms, not caring about the throw up that surrounded her mouth. "Ewe, no bro don't hug me, I have throw up on my mouth...not attractive." She shook her head in disgust and got off of the bed running to the bathroom, she saw her toothbrush was back in the spot it was before she packed her bags, she nodded in approval and jumped in the shower, the hot water made her moan in delight.

Once she was finished showering she brushed her teeth and ran out of the bathroom and into her closet, not caring that she was only in a towel with her brother, her forced fiance, and her brothers best friend she went into her drawers and grabbed everything she needed and ran back into the bathroom putting on her clothes, she walked outside of the bathroom and nodded in acknowledgement to Alec then smiled at Seth and Lance.

"I probably owe you guys an explanation huh?" She asked and the two of them nodded. "Would you mind!" She snapped at Alec, he glared at her then walked out of the room huffing. She explained what happened, they laughed when she told them about throwing the ring down on the ground, then once she explained that he knocked her out, they went rigid, then she explained what happened in the basement, then she explained when she woke up she texted them then she told them about how she thought that Alec was out only to find him with another woman, and then she explained how she read the text and just threw the phone back, then found her pills and she took them, then once she was done with her explanation, they jumped up and ran down the stairs.

"Fucking asshole! How dare you do that to my baby sister?! Is she not enough for you?! You don't deserve her, she doesn't deserve to be abused, violated, and cheated on! You're a fucking worthless prick, go to hell you motherfucker!" Lance roared punching Alec again.

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