Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

February Twenty Seventh 2013 - WEDNESDAY (All Rights Reserved)

(This is going to be in her POV, not third persons..)


I jolted awake by the noise of someone pounding on the front door, I sighed and got up, opening the door I was shocked to find not Derek, but my parents. "Oh my gosh! What are you guys doing here?!" I exclaimed happily, pulling them in a hug. "Hello Alessa." My mothers voice was stiff, she sounded a little bit snotty to me, I haven't seen my mother and father in over three years, of course that was their choice, but I still sent them letters informing them of what was going on, not that it mattered they didn't care anyways.

After they won the lottery of two-hundred and thirty million dollars, they didn't care of anyone anymore only focusing on them-selves... I wonder why they were here, they couldn't be here for money, they were both doctors so they were naturally rich, then adding on the money they won from the lottery, they couldn't possibly need money.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I asked in a cheery voice. "We came to inform you that your brother is coming back from the marines in two weeks, after all he has been gone for four years, he requested to see you whilst he visits." My father informed me, I nodded. "Okay, let me just ask Alec. Come in!" I smiled at them, and they instantly walked inside of the house. "Go ahead and make yourself at home, do you guys want anything to eat or drink?" I asked, being polite. "No thank you, just go ask Alec." They sighed, sitting down on the couch.

I walked into the kitchen, and instantly found Alec. "Hey- oh hey Derek! I didn't know you were here!" I smiled, and hugged him. "Alec, my parents are here and they just said Lance is coming back from the marines in two weeks, and he asked to see me whilst he visits." I explained briefly. "I was wondering if I could go see him?" I asked him, hopeful, I gave him the puppy dog eye, and pulled my lip in a pout.

"Of course! Let me go see them." Alec smiled at me, walking away to go greet my mother and father, I followed him quickly. "Hello Alexandra. Hello Landon. Nice to see you two again." He greeted politely. "Hello Alec, nice to see you too, it's been awhile." Alessa's mother smiled, and Alec smiled back. Well Gee, I wonder why it's been awhile!

"Hello son! Good to see you as well, and yes It really has been awhile." He smiled sadly at Alec shaking his hand.

My parents always enjoyed Alec's company. "Oh my! What happened to you Alessa?" My mother shrieked in panic. "What are you talking about mother?" I asked, I was extremely confused.

"Those bruises, where did they come from?" She cried out, tears brimmed her eyes.

I don't know why she's overreacting, they are just bruises. "Oh, nothing happened mother, don't worry." I smiled at her. "That is not nothing! I demand you tell me right now Alessa Aurora Centofani!" My father's voice boomed, that voice had always made me scared.

I glanced at Alec worriedly. "Me and one of my friends were play fighting, and she got too rough... I'm fine though, really." I lied, Alec knew damn well that I didn't have any friends, he would never allowed it.

"If you're sure that you're fine, then okay." My mother smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Oh, and Alec said it was alright for me to go visit you guys, as well as Lance in two weeks." I smiled at them. "Great! I'll send a car at exactly 4 pm sharp Wednesday March Thirteenth." I smiled and nodded at my mother. "Alright, I'll request for that day off then." I said to my mom.

My mom smiled and pulled me in for a hug, much to my surprise. "I don't believe your story." My mother whispered in my ear pulling away smiling at me, I'm sure my face was one of surprise..

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