Chapter One

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A/N: The picture above is Holland Pierce.

Hope you all enjoy the new and improved Hideaway!

I wrote this years ago and decided to revisit it. I didn't change anything but the terrible use of grammar and spelling errors, so beware of the cringe.

The cringe isn't TERRIBLE but I wanted to keep this book as original as possible, so new readers or re readers, I hope you enjoy :)

Holland's POV

"Holland! Holland wake up."


"What do you want?" I sighed, rubbing my eyes and sitting up.

"Dad needs you in his office. Now." Jeremy, my older brother, said sternly before walking out of my room.

Groaning once more, I followed him down the stairs, and into my fathers office.

"What's going on?" I asked, taking a seat in between my brother and our mom. "Especially since I've been woken at four AM."

"Holland we need to talk sweetie." Mom cooed.

Red flag number one.

"What is it?"

"Listen kiddo, you're a smart young lady so I'm not going to sugar coat, you know how I'm running our family business? Pierce industries?" Dad asked and I nodded.

"Well honey, we're not really a business at all."

I snorted. "Is it like a Mattress Firm or something to hide money laundering?"

"This isn't a joke Holland." Jeremy spoke up.

"Holland, Pierce industries is a gang. It's been a gang for generations. But that isn't what's important right now."

"A gang? You must be shitting me." I scoffed.

"Watch your mouth honey!" My mom scolded.

"Jer you knew about this?" I asked, turning to face him.

"I'm in the gang. I've been in the gang since I was fifteen." Jeremy sighed.

I couldn't help but feel betrayed. One thing that kept our bond so strong was that we never kept anything from each other, or at least I thought we didn't.

"Sorry mom, but now you guys are really shitting me."

"That's besides the point, Holland. There's a bigger issue at hand."

"Then what is the point father?" I asked, a hint of anger behind my voice.

"You're in danger. A great amount of danger. Your mom, Jeremy, and I all think you'll be more protected if you go live with a family friend." Dad sighed.

I glared waiting for him to continue.

"You're going to go live with Tom and Lilly's son sweetheart."

Tom and Lilly Briggs, my parents best friends. They had a son, Carter Briggs, who was apparently my new roomate.

"How could he provide me more protection than you guys?" I asked, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Carter is the leader of the most feared, not to mention biggest, gang on the West Coast." Jeremy said. "And he's willing to have you live with them."

"So your solution to this problem is making me
live with a gang?" I scoffed. "Excellent."

"It's the best way I can protect you." Dad tried to reason.

"Why am I even in danger?" I snapped, throwing my hands in the air dramatically, the four AM tiredness mixed with anger coming out.

"The Black Snakes found out I had a daughter and thought they could use you as leverage. They are a very dangerous gang. I couldn't lose you to them, I can't lose you at all." Dad said, firmly, leaving no room for arguing.

"Honey I know you don't like this idea but it's for your best interest." My mom reassured.

"But what about you guys? Won't you guys need protection too? I can't leave you." I rambled.

"Kiddo we have our gang to protect us, plus we have Tom's crew too." Dad said and I deadpanned.

"So does the mailman have a gang too?" I scoffed.

This was complete insanity.

"Don't worry Hol, no one's going to hurt Mom and Dad if I'm around." Jeremy managed to gloat even in my early mid-life crisis.

"The housekeeper already packed all your things and Carter should be here soon." Mom announced.

I tried not to feel annoyed by the fact that I couldn't even pack my own belongings.

I jogged up the stairs into my room, dressing in meaning a hoodie and a pair of sweats, before jogging back down the stairs.

"They're here." Jeremy announced, as everyone came out of the office and into the living room.

A few minuets later I watched Carter come in with four other boys. They were all very attractive, but one of them stood out to me more then the others. He was tall, his short sleeved shirt revealed his sleeves of tattoos, and some on his neck.

He was .... interesting.

"Holland, nice to see you again." Carter spoke, his prize winning smile on his face.

"Briggs, I'm flattered." I grin sarcastically, making him roll his eyes.

"Oh how I have missed your sarcastic wit." He smirked and I replied with how he'll be receiving a lot more of it now since I'd forcefully be living with him.

"Holland I want you to meet my friends. This is Miles," Carter began pointing to another very attractive guy. "JD, Parker, and Cole."


I looked back over at him to find him already looking at me, his face emotionless. His dark gray eyes looked calculating and cold.

"Parker, JD, get her bags and take'em out to the cars." Carter ordered.

"Thanks for shipping me away." I sighed, hugging my family.

"We'll see you soon." Mom assured, squeezing me a little tighter than usual.

"Mr and Mrs Pierce, always a pleasure." Carter greeted politely.

"Take care of my little sister." Jeremy ordered him. Carter nodded and shook his hand.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine."

Walking outside, I was greeted by three black Escalades with dark tinted windows. I followed Carter and the boys piled in behind.

"You can sit shotgun." Carter offered, to which I rolled my eyes.

"Well isn't this my lucky day."

Carter smirked. "This special treatment won't last long, Pierce."

"Shouldn't you be having a Chauffeur driving you around, instead of doing it yourself?" I questioned, ignoring his previous statement.

Deep laughter was heard from the back seat.

"I like her already!" A boy who I assumed was JD, exclaimed.

"Move out." Cole spoke into the walkie, the car in front of us beginning to move.

His voice was so deep and raspy, a sound that I was weirdly attracted to.

This is going to be interesting.


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