Chapter Eleven

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Holland's POV

"Wake up wake up wake up!" JD yelled, bouncing on Cole's bed.

Cole kicked his leg and he fell off the bed.

I bursted out laughing and Cole grumbled nuzzling his head into my neck. JD groaned and got up off the floor.

"Are you okay, wimpy?" I laughed, and JD glared at me.

"I'm peachy." He smiled sarcastically, rubbing his head. "We're leaving in a half an hour."

"Cole! You don't have to be so mean!" I scolded, trying not to laugh but failed.

"He asked for it." Cole shrugged.

"Come on, get ready." I ordered, pushing him off of me, and walking into my room.

I took a quick shower and got dressed, slipping on my moccasins.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed a duffel bag, putting clothes and other necessities in there that I would need for the weekend.

Grabbing my bag, I walked down the stairs and watched Rob and Carlos come out of Carter's office.

"Hey guys." I greeted.

"Hey Holland." Rob greeted.

"Hola chica." Carlos nodded. They waved and left the house.

"Did you put them in charge or something?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe of his office as he stood up.

"Actually I did, can't leave a gang without a leader." Carter replied, grabbing his bag.

We both walked out to the main room where mostly everyone was.

"Here, I'll take your bag out for you." Kyler winked, taking my bag.

"Better watch your winking." Carter warned.

"Why's that?" Kyler asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't think her boyfriend would like that." Miles smirked.

"And who's that?" Kyler asked. Miles nodded towards the stairs where Cole was walking down, his bag slung on his back.

"Oh shit." Kyler deadpanned, turning around and zooming out to the car.

"I'm driving one of the cars." I state, as we all walked outside.

"Your very demanding this morning." Carter observed.

"Deal with it." I smiled sweetly at him. I got in the drivers seat of the second escalade, while Cole got in the passenger.

I pulled out of the driveway, getting on the highway, Carter followed behind me.

Cole placed his hand on my thigh and I looked at him and smirked.

"Someones a little handsy." Parker spoke from the backseat, a sly smile on his face. Cole's signature smirk was plastered on his face and I rolled my eyes at him.

We arrived in Las Vegas, Nevada at three but JD's family lives right outside of it and we had to take the back roads due to having problems with a local gang around here.

We arrived at JD's family's huge house and walked inside.

It was until now that I realized Kyler was apart of the gang too.

Carter really has his crew spread out.

"Jackson! I've missed you so much." JD's mother exclaimed, squeezing him in a tight hug. "Why don't you ever come see us!?"

She punched JD's arm making him whine.

"Hello to you too ma." He mumbled.

"Boys! It so nice to see you all again!" JD's mom cooed.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Daniels." Carter chuckled.

"And who's this?" Mrs. Daniels smiled.

"Holland." I smiled back.

"Hello sweetie!" She exclaimed hugging me, I hugged her back, such a sweet lady.

"Come on, come see Leah's baby." Mrs. Daniels urged.

"Leah!" I grinned walking into the living room.

"Ah! Holland!" Leah yelled, running over and hugging me.

"Woah." Parker said.

"Wait what? You guys know each other?" JD asked.

"I used to date her brother a couple years ago." Leah explained. "We've been friends since then."

"And now you have a baby, let me see the cutie." I smiled.

I sat down on the couch next to Cole, and everyone took a seat.

"Okay everyone, this is Cameron." Leah announced, picking up a little baby boy out of his crib.

"Aw." I cooed, standing up and taking him out of Leah's hands.

"Hey buddy." I smiled, looking at him. He opened up his big hazel eyes and he smiled, I laughed.

"Go see your uncle Jackson." I said, handing him to JD.

"Hey little buddy." JD chuckled and I smiled at the sight.

"I love babies." I groaned, laying my head on Cole's shoulder.

"Don't get any ideas." Parker joked and I rolled my eyes, watching as JD held the baby.


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