Chapter Sixteen

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Holland's POV

It's been two glory filled weeks since the accident and Cole was already off his bed rest sentence.

For the first week he complied fully, only if I laid there with him.

The second week was harder, he rested for a few days but now refuses to do so, claiming he's better but his wound was still fresh.

It's also been two weeks since we both admitted the L word. Cole isn't the kind of guy that tells me he loves me every second of the day, he's more of a showing it and I love that.

I dressed for the chilly weather. I was getting tired of wearing sweaters, mentally thanking the lord that summer was almost here.

I threw my damp hair into a tight bun, ignoring the stray pieces of hair that stuck out on the sides.

"Good morning." I greeted, entering the living room.

"Morning." Kyler's gruff morning voice rasped out.

"Morning." JD repeated, tossing me a lopsided grin.

I had assumed Carter was out with Beck and Miles was sitting out back with Maci, probably catching her up on everything that happened while they were gone.

"Holland, hey." I heard from behind me.

"Lynn! I didn't know you guys were back." I greeted, embracing her back.

"Yeah we just arrived this morning, but I've heard big things happened since we've been gone." She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

She grabbed my wrist and lead me back up stairs to her room, taking us out to her balcony. It looked out over the back yard as did Cole's, and we could see Maci and Miles in the distance.

"So chica," Lynn's thinly accented voice began. "Tell me about life."

I smiled and looked out at the forest with the lake running through it. The sun was hiding behind the gray sky, fair wind coursing through the air. It was a pretty cool day for being in California.

"As you've probably heard, Cole and I are together." I began.

"I knew it would happen." She boasted. "Parker owes me twenty."

"You guys made a bet on me?" I laughed.

"We both knew you two would end up together. I said it would take less than six months, Parker thought it'd take more." She grinned. "Also Parker intentionality flirted with you a couple of times to push Cole to make a move. And to just piss him off."

"Really? I never noticed." I replied, the both of us laughing.

After it died down, she sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said suddenly, and I looked at her with a confused expression. "I uh heard about what happened with one of the Black Snakes allies."

Immediately my face dropped and a shiver ran through my body.

"I'm sorry to bring it up if it bothers you." Lynn apologized.

"No it's fine, I just never talk about it." I assured, shooting her a smile.

"I get it, the same thing happened to me. Two years ago. Only thing different was that the scum bags were eager to get my clothes off. I was raped before I even got to where they were taking me."

A shocked expression took over my face and she nodded.

Lynn's always had a hard front, but I never knew the reason behind it. She's more like a closed book, with the occasional page opening.

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