Chapter Six

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Holland's POV

It had been about a month since I've moved in, and things were going great so far.

Gang activity has been low, they've only had to do a drop last week but that's been about it.

Currently I was downstairs, watching a movie with Cole, Parker, and JD. I was cuddled into Cole's side and his arm was wrapped around me, while JD was practically hugging the life out of Parker.

We were watching 'Insidious 3' and I was growing bored, I guess you could say I'm not easily scared.

I wondered where the other girls were since I knew Carter was with Beck in their room, and Maci and Miles were out back.

Enjoying the last few minuets of being cuddled into Cole's side, the amazing scent of him filling my lungs, I decided I should just go to bed.

Though my body was begging me to go back to Cole, even if it was just a friendly cuddle.

I said my goodnights and walked upstairs to my room.

I took off my clothes and threw them in the hamper, before staying in my sports bra and sliding on a pair of pajama shorts. I walked into my bathroom. I took off my makeup, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put my hair into a messy bun, before plopping down on my bed and sleeping sleep over come me.

- 1 hour later -

*Buzz Buzz Buzz*

"Yes Carter?" I spoke into my phone, taking my boxing gloves off and sitting down on the workout rooms floor.

"Holland, I need you to hide in the room I showed you and fast." Carter spoke, a worried tone laced in his voice.

"What? Why? Carter what's going on?" I urged, running up the stairs to the main level.

"The Black Snakes started attacking our base, most of the gang is okay and we're all fine. But we're right down the street an-"
Carter was cut off when I dropped my phone, due to someone putting me in a headlock.
I screamed and struggled to get out of their grasp.

"HOLLAND!" Carter yelled into the phone.
"MILES STEP ON THE PEDAL." I heard Carter yell.

"Better hurry up Carter, her life's not going to last much longer." The leader spoke into my phone. I heard shuffling coming out of the phone.

"I swear to god Micheal, if you touch a single hair on her head, I will make your death the most gruesome anyone has ever seen." I heard Cole growl into the phone.

"Come on now Cole, just trying to have some fun with your little girlfriend." Micheal cooed into the the phone. His voice made me sick to my stomach.

He walked over to me and sliced my arm, with his knife.

I screamed out.

"MICHEAL!" Cole yelled into the phone. I then heard car doors slam shut and running. Next thing I knew, Carter, Cole, Miles, Parker and JD were in the main room. All of them had their guns out.

"Drop your weapons." Micheal smirked. They didn't move.

He then yanked me up by my hair and put his knife to my throat.

"I said drop your weapons!" Micheal yelled and they all dropped their guns, sliding them away from them.

"Stupid boys." Micheal chuckled sickly, and sliced my throat. I fell on the ground, dead.

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