Chapter Nineteen

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Holland's POV

"Good morning, princess." Cole grinned as I walked downstairs, into the kitchen.

I smiled back, snuggling into his warm embrace. "Good morning to you too, sunshine."

My promise ring sparkled when the sunlight hit it, my eyes never growing tired of looking at it's beauty.

"Love birds." Beck chimed, walking into the kitchen.

Cole rolled his eyes, kissing my cheek before going off to whatever he was going.

"Are you packed yet?" Beck questioned, taking a piece of fruit from the fridge.

"Packed? For what?"

"Our annual start of summer beach trip, duh." Beck teased. "I guess Cole failed to mention it to you."

"That he did." I confirmed, rolling my eyes. "When do we leave?"

"Noon, better get to packing." Beck smiled.

I groaned walking back up the stairs and into my room, realizing during mid packing that I for one did not currently have my bathing suits with me, they were back at my parents house.

Sighing, I finished packing, grabbing the keys to my new land rover thanks to Carter, walking downstairs.

"Hey Beck, I need to run to my parents house to get bathing suits. You know how Briggs feels about me going out by myself and all, care to join?"

I figured I'd ask her since I didn't want to bother Cole and she was the first one I saw.

"Of course, I'm always down for a trip." Beck grinned, taking the last bite of her apple before throwing it away, her engagement ring sparkling on her ring finger.

"When are you and Briggs going to get married?" I asked, making her smile.

"We planned a fall wedding so pretty soon."

I loved Carter and Beck together, she managed to make him lovable, and less of a straitlaced gang leader.

The trek to my parents house was short, Beck saying she'd stay in the car while I ran in to grab my swimsuits.

My father's car was in the driveway, meaning my mother and Jeremy were most likely out.

I jogged up the spiral staircase I've grown to miss, feeling a wave of nostalgia being back home, though Carter's place felt more like my home now. Everyone will always have that one house they'll always love, where the spent their childhood, but moving out and seeing other places and things on your own brings a new sense of light into your eyes.

I walked into my old bedroom, finding nothing out of place, just the way I left it.

I scrambled through my closet, grabbing the first two swimsuits I saw, leaving my room.

"Oh Dan." I heard a moan come from my father's office.


You totally came home to you're parents doing the same thing that brought you and Jeremy into this world.

I cringed, heading towards the door, until I remembered my mother wasn't home.

Suspicion courses through my veins as I paused in my tracks at the front door, the sound of the door to my father's office opening froze every ounce of my body.

"It's always a pleasure with you, Jen." My father spoke, not noticing me yet. But I noticed Jen, a women looking younger then my father but older than me, a women that was definitely not my mother.

She was pulling her dress back down, adjusting her hair to cover the fresh marks on her neck, from daddy dearest.

"Hi Dad." I smiled, making him come to a striking halt.

"Holland!" He laughed nervously, fixing the collar of his shirt. "What are you doing here?"

"What's Jen doing here?" I questioned, acting as if I knew her.

My voice came out surprisingly calm, though inside I was raging, ready to go all bat shit crazy on the homewrecker for getting down and dirty with not just any man, but my married father.

"Oh Jen was just stopping by to get me to sign some papers, you know, work and all." My father attempted to joke, rubbing the back of
his neck.

"I think it's best if you get the hell out Jen." I smiled sweetly, watching her awkwardly nodding toward me before scurrying out, the door slamming behind her.

"Holland, it isn't what you think."

"Oh I wish it wasn't Dad." I laughed bitterly. "How long?"

"How long what?" He questioned, only fueling my anger.

"How long have you been sleeping with a woman that's not your wife?"

My father sighed, rubbing his face. "Since you moved out."

"Seven months!?" I raged. "You've been having an affair for seven months?"

"With everything with the company and the Black Snakes I was stressed. At first I thought it would've been just a one night stand, but it turned into more. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"Mom's that one you should be apologizing to." I bit. "If you don't tell her, I will."

"Holland wait!" He called after me, climbing back into my car and getting the hell out of there as fast as possible.

"What was that all about?" Beck questioned, her worries eyes trying to read me.

"Oh nothing, just my dad throwing twenty years of marriage down the drain since he's having an affair." I smiled calmly, but I was far from calm.

"Oh my goodness." Beck gasped. "Poor Jill."

I sighed, my eyes focusing on the road. "Please don't say anything about this, the last thing I'd want is for this to get out and my mother find out about it the wrong way."

"Of course! You don't even need to ask." Beck assured, rubbing my shoulder to comfort me. "It'll be okay, don't let this ruin your trip."

I nodded agreeing with her.

My poor mother.


"Are we all ready to go?" Carter questioned, after packing bags into the trunks of the cars.


I was still a little annoyed that Cole failed to mention we were going on a trip, and still very pissed off at my father.

"What's wrong?" Cole questioned, pulling me back behind the others as he sensed something was up.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" I replied, looking up at his electrifying gray eyes, his hands still on my waist.

"Don't lie to me Holland." He ordered, staring down at me intensely.

"I'm not."

Thankfully Cole decided to drop it, taking my hand in his and leading us to a car.

"Woo! Let's hit the beach!" JD cheered. "Sunshine and booze, here I come!"


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