Chapter Three

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Holland's POV

I walked into the kitchen where Carter was and sat down on one of the available barstools since the rest were occupied by the boys.

"First things first. I need to lay down some rules." Carter began.

"How many more could you possibly have?" I sighed making JD snort.

Carter glared at me and Cole rolled his eyes, while Miles raided the cabinets.

"A lot actually. And it's to guarantee your safety." Carter quipped and I decided not to put up a fight.

"Rule one, have someone with you at all times. You're not allowed to be alone until the activity has died down." Carter began and I had to bite my tongue so I didn't make a smart remark about how I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

"Rule two, no leaving without my permission." Carter said and I rolled my eyes. "Rule three, don't trust anyone you don't know and that goes for anyone other then us in this house."

I nodded, about to get up when he stopped me.

"One more thing."

Of course.

I raised my eyebrows waiting for him to continue.

"We're doing a raid today and you're coming."

"She's coming?" JD exclaimed.

"That's what I just fucking said." Carter rolled his eyes.

"She hasn't even had any training yet." Cole argued.

Good to know he assumes I'm useless.

"I don't think she needs it." Carter smirked, giving me a knowing look. "Plus if she does, we can spot her weak points during the raid."

Too bad I don't have any.

Between my father and Jeremy, I knew everything in the books. From guns to hand to hand combat.

I never understood why they forced me to learn, but now it all made sense.

"We move out at nightfall." Carter yelled from the living room.

I decided to work out for a while since it was only early evening, changing into a sports bra and workout leggings, leaving my hair up and grabbing my boxing gloves.

Once I got to the gym I popped my head phones in and did a few warm up stretches, then I started practicing my punching and kicking.

After about an hour of boxing the punching bag I plopped down on my butt, taking big drinks of my water.

"You got some skill girl." Maci observed as she walked into the work out room.

"I think the punching bag beat me more than I beat it." I admitted, rubbing my sore hands as I took my gloves off.

Maci laughed and sat down next to me.

We talked about different things, getting to know each other a little better.

It was nice to see she was so welcoming.

"So which one do you have eyes for?" I smirked knowingly.

"Miles." She answered. "But how'd you know?"

"I had a hunch."

"Keep it on the low or the punching bag won't be the only thing beating you." Maci threatened, the both of us laughing.

"Your secrets safe with me." I zipped my lips  and stood up, throwing the key away. "But now I need to shower."

"Alright and when you get out, get dressed for the raid." Maci replied and I glanced at the time.

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