If You Can't Stand The Heat, Stay Out Of The Kitchen

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Luke's POV

"Uncle" I called, taking off my apron. "I'm outta here now."

"Oh, hey Luke you're off to that cooking class thing?" Uncle asked.

"Yep" I responded. "We order so much take out Indian food I figured it would fun to learn how to cook. Maybe try a few dishes here at the diner. Plus you never know I might meet a cute girl, too." I winked at him, shrugging on my jacket.

"Ha! You should be so lucky. Where is the class being held?" Uncle asked.

"It's being taught at a new culinary store opened by the wife of an Academy member who recently moved to Charleston from the Northeast. It's not too far from the old Charleston market."

"Well, have fun. And be good" Uncle chuckled as I headed out the door of the diner.

The door swung closed behind me and I headed across the gravel parking lot towards my truck. It was a gorgeous late fall day. It was cold enough that I could see my breath, but the sun was shining. I climbed into the truck and checked my watch. I should have more than enough time to head into town and check out the store before the class. You can never have too many kitchen gadgets I thought to myself.

Traffic was light and I made it in plenty of time to the store and found a parking space. Opening the large glass entrance door, I walked in, taking in the high ceilings, brick walls, and large front glass windows that let in plenty of natural light. The shelves were stopped with an array of books, gleaming pans, dishes, and all sorts of gadgets. I was in heaven.

"This is a fantastic store" I said to the two women behind the counter. The older woman smiles broadly.

"Thank you. You must be Lucien" she replied, holding out her hand. "I am Karam Bahtra. My husband has told me about you. Please, you must call me Karam."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Karam" I said, shaking her hand. "Please call me Luke."

"Please, take a look around while I go finish preparing for the class. There will be just two of you taking the class today" Karam said. I grinned at her. "I am more than happy to get in to trouble here" I exclaimed. "I love all things kitchen." She laughed and headed towards the back of the shop.

I began to wander around the store making a mental list of the things that I wanted to buy when I hear the bell above the entrance door chime. I turned my head towards the door wondering if this was my fellow classmate for the afternoon. From over a display shelf I saw a glimpse of dark blonde hair. She looked around, picking objects up. She moved forward into my view, a beam of sunlight lit up her face. The sun made her shoulder length dark blonde hair shimmer and her green eyes glow. I watched her, unobserved. She was breathtaking. High arched brows, straight nose, high cheekbones, and soft looking lips. I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry. She moved around the shop quietly, looking around. I quickly went back to looking through the selection of stainless steel tongs before she saw me staring at her like a creeper. I didn't want her first impression of me to be a bad one.

"Ah, there you are Sang" Karam exclaimed, walking towards the blonde woman. "I am so glad you are here for the class this afternoon." They hugged each other briefly.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Karam. You know how I love Indian food. I am very excited to learn how to make some of these dishes" the blonde woman responded.

"Well then, let's get started shall we?" She called out to me, snapping me out of my daze. "Luke, we are ready for the class. Sang, Luke, please come on back to the teaching kitchen so we can get started."

The blonde woman looks around the store, her eyes lighting on mine. I smile. "Looks like we're classmates today" I say.

Sang's POV

I glanced at my watch as I walked out of the office. I had just enough time to walk to my cooking class at Karam's new store without rushing. It was a gorgeous afternoon. I couldn't wait to see how the store turned out. At the office, Monish was always going on about how proud he was of Karam wanting to open the shop and teach classes. As I walked along the sidewalks, avoiding groups of tourists stopped outside of several popular shops and restaurants, I couldn't help but smile. I felt like I was playing hooky.

I reached the shop. It looked lovely. Set in an older brick building on near the historic market, the large wood framed windows and doors were painted a cheerful green with yellow accents. I could see an arrangement featuring gleaming copper clad pans in one window and stacks of cookbooks and cake plates in the other. I opened the door, hearing the chime above welcome me.

Stepping in to the store, I paused, looking around, picking up a lovely olive wood salt cellar. I sniffed it, picking up the faint aroma of olive from the wood. I moved forward, towards a display of cookbooks when a beam of afternoon sunlight caught me in my eyes and I blinked.

As I stood there, blinking my eyes to clear my vision, I heard my name called. "Ah, there you are Sang" It was Karam, walking towards me. "I am so glad you are here for the class this afternoon." We gave each other a quick hug. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Karam. You know how I love Indian food. I am very excited to learn how to make some of these dishes!"

"Well then, let's get started shall we?" she smiled at me. "Luke, we are ready for the class. Sang, Luke, please come on back to the teaching kitchen so we can get started."

I looked around, not sure who Karam was addressing, when I saw a tall man with jaw length blond hair standing near a display of utensils." He smiled at me. "Looks like we're classmates today" I heard him say.

Holy cow, what is it about gorgeous men this week? I thought to myself. I really hope I'm not standing there with my mouth open. First Mr. Perfect the other evening at the office, now tall, blond and handsome standing in front of me. He must be 6 feet tall. Eyes the color of bourbon. Pull yourself together, Sang, pull yourself together.

I smile awkwardly and take a few steps forward with my hand out. "It looks like we are. My name is Sang." He takes my hand and shakes it, holding it a beat longer than usual. "Luke. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sang." Holding his arm out in the direction of the kitchen where Karam was waiting for us. "Shall we?"

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