A/N Thank you!

2.8K 109 7

100,000 reads! What a mind-blowing milestone for me. That so many of you have stuck with me and this story these last couple of years makes me feel amazed and honored. You've been there with me from my early chapters with all of the awful tense changes that make me cringe to read, and my 'learn as I go' editing (Yup, that's all me, no beta reader or editor to blame), to the fun "oh crap, she does understand Japanese" moments (hahaha, I'm totally looking at you, Sean).  Thank you, CL, for creating these characters we all love and the Academy world that you allow us to play in. And thank you, lovely readers, from the bottom of my heart, for all of the reads, your votes, and your comments.  Arigato gozaimasu.

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