Sneaky Southern Gentlemen Society

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Owen's POV

My eyes were still on the door of the building that had just closed, watching to make sure Miss Sorenson was secure and safe in her home.

"Shit, that was quick thinking, Victor," I heard Mr. Coleman exclaim. "Changing movie night from next week to tomorrow. Fucking brilliant."

"Fuck. Our schedules are clear, aren't they, Mr. B? I don't want to miss movie night with Sang." Nathan asked, catching my attention and looking at me. I pulled out my phone, swiped in my code, and opened the assignment schedule. A quick scan of the possible assignments in the queue confirmed that nothing needed immediate attention.

"There is nothing pressing for tomorrow evening on any of our schedules." I glanced back one more time to look at the narrow white house set back from the street, hoping to catch one more glimpse. "We will all be available to attend movie night," I reassured them as I turned back to face my brothers. "Let us hope Miss Sorenson doesn't change her mind. I concur, that was excellent thinking Mr. Morgan."

"Fuck, she can't do that! She wouldn't, would she?" I heard North ask no one in particular as we turned to head north on Ashley Avenue, back towards the office where our cars were parked.

"I hope you didn't scare her off with the vegetables!" Luke exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up, Lucian."

I shook my head. Sean chuckled as he walked beside me. "Those two will never change, I'm afraid."

"Indeed. I believe that the majority of the time Luke says things with the specific goal of pushing his brother's buttons. Especially anything food related."

Sean and I walked in companionable silence for the remaining few blocks listening to our brothers' conversations flow around us; Mr. Coleman, Mr. Griffin and Mr. Morgan discussing movies, Mr. Luke Taylor arguing about snacks with Mr. North Taylor. Thankfully, Mr. Korba and Mr. Lee were quietly discussing something between themselves.

As we approached the cars and split up, I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Mr. Morgan, please text Miss Sorenson the time and location for movie night. The rest of you, no asking Victor for her contact information so that you can call her and pressure her to attend tomorrow evening. We don't want to scare her off, especially since she'll be working with Victor on his financial issues." I noticed Sean fixing his gaze on Nathan, Gabriel and Luke, who were having a silent conversation. I pinned them down with a firm glare. "And no showing up at her house, either."



Sang's POV

"Hey, Baby Girl!"

"Lily!" I squealed when I saw who was at my front door, giving her a hug. "What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming in to town this morning?"

"Well, I had a few things I needed to take care of in town for a new assignment, so I figured why not drop in to see you" she said while she took off her coat. "Plus, I wanted to see how the apartment is coming along, and maybe take you out to lunch."

"The apartment," I huffed as I hung up her coat, "is a never-ending source of 'I don't know what to do with it.' I've been looking through magazines, looking on Pinterest. It's kind of overwhelming," I told her as we sat down on the cream colored love seat. "There are so many ideas I like, but if I go one way, will I end up hating it? I don't want to waste my money on some style I'll be sick of in 6 months. And I don't want so traditional that it's stuffy, but not too modern that it's sterile. So, I've done nothing to it, as you can see," I told her, waving my arm around the room.

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