Just Another Day At The Races

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Sang's POV

"Oh. My. God," I said under my breath as I drove away from the track. Keep it together, Sang, keep it together. Why didn't Marc tell me that the team he wanted help with today was two stunning guys. I swore to myself that if he did that on purpose, I was going to have to kill him.

I stopped the car at the entrance of the track complex and rested my head against the steering wheel and closed my eyes. "Just breathe," I mumbled to myself. What the hell was going on with me? I know I sometimes joked with Lily that I was the oldest virgin in Charleston, but what was with all of these gorgeous guys lately? Was the universe trying to tell me something or was it just taunting me? Were all of the planets in some bizarre alignment or something, causing my hormones to go into hyper-overdrive? I counted on my fingers all of the handsome guys I'd crossed paths with lately: Mr. Stunningly Perfect at the office; the blond guy, Luke at the cooking class last week; this morning it was the two tall dark and handsome guys helping Liam and Henry with the house renovation; and now these two.

I thought of the two guys I had just driven away from and groaned. I lifted my head from the steering wheel and pictured them in my mind. They were like night and day, but each was gorgeous in his own way. The taller of the two, Gabriel he said his name was, was a bit punk with his streaks of blond hair and gorgeous bright blue eyes. He looked fun and spontaneous. And very colorful. Victor, the shorter guy seemed more subdued, at least until you looked at his eyes. God, his eyes. His eyes glowed like amber and made me want to melt in to a puddle.

"I feel like I've woken up in an alternate universe populated with hot guys," I muttered as I put the car into gear. "I don't think I can handle much more of this."

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