My Music Is Not Crap

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Sang's POV

Once again, I have the office to myself, I thought. I really do like it when it's quiet and the phones aren't ringing all of the time. Since I had the place to myself, I leaned over to my ipad and turned up the volume on my music.

I was lost in my work, listening to Beethoven's 6th, when my phone rang, startling me.


(A/N: This conversation between Sang and Loki is in Japanese.)

"Sang-Chan, kon'nichiwa! It's Loki!"

Loki! I hadn't spoken to my friends Loki and Renji in several weeks, and his friendly voice made me smile. He explained that he was calling because the Blackbourne Team needed help and he and Renji thought I might be able to help.

While we were talking Renji yelled something to Loki. Loki laughed and said that Renji wanted me to turn off my music, that he thought it was crap, and that I should be listening to their music. I had to chuckle. Renji was incorrigible.

"Loki, you tell him that my music is not crap," I huffed, leaning over to turn the music off.

"I'd be happy to help them. What do they need?"

"I don't know specifics, just that it has to do with royalties. Renji has them on the telephone now." He broke off to answer a question from Renji.

"They are actually meeting in one of the conference rooms in your building. Can you meet with them now?"

I gulped. Crap. Meeting people in person.

"Ugh. All right, I'll meet with them now," I sighed.

"You'll be fine! Go get 'em, Little Tiger," Loki told me before signing off.

This is so not what I liked to do. That's why I'm in analysis, not field work. At least I look presentable today, I thought as I stood up and adjusted my sweater sleeves. My long skirt and heeled boots looked good; not fussy or sloppy.

I made my way to the conference room and hesitated before the closed door. Why is this so hard for me. I just have to knock. They're Academy, not ax murders hiding in the office. I tentatively raised my hand and lightly knocked on the door. The door swung open.


"Sean?" Huh? Sean was here? Why...

I stepped in the room and looked around. Oh crap. Every single one of the gorgeous guys from the last two weeks was sitting there looking at me with surprised looks on their faces. My hormones exploded and I felt like I spontaneously combusted. I must have looked like I was frozen in place as I stared at them.  They.Were.All.In.The.Same.Room.   At the same time. Wait, what. They all knew each other, too?

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