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Today was the day. After weeks of waiting William was finally coming back to Hellsalems Lot.  You were filled with excitement to see your friend again but also another feeling.

For some reason you became nervous, as you and Leo rode in a taxi to pick up Will.

"You look um...kind nervous (y/n)." Leo added, breaking your trail of thought.

"O-oh I'm not nervous!" You laugh as you two were now at the airport walking up to the doors where Will would be coming out of. Leo just gave you a slight smug 'yeah-right!' look in response to your little lie. Leo was a smart guy when it came to people around him and their actions.

Walking to see William was a drag, a lot of stairs and we all know how you are with long distances, not too good.

In the distance you see a blonde haired guy with rounded glasses running towards you both with a black luggage bag. Yep, it was Will.

"Hey guys!" He said happily as he look at you and Leo, out of breath from running.

"Hey Black, what's up?" Leo said going in for a hug.

"Haha nothing much! I'm so glad to be back!" He said grinning as he turned to you.

"H-hey Will! You haven't changed a bit!"

"Same with you (y/n)!" The two of you laughed as he came closer to you, hugging you a little but tighter than Leo.

You blushed madly at the sudden contact of his chest on yours and his strong grip on your back.

You looked at Leo who gave you a smirk and a thumbs up. You blushed even harder as the hug lasted for at least a minute.

"S-sorry (y/n), I missed you the most.." Will said nervously laughing as a pink tint powdered his pale cheeks.

"It's okay, I didn't mind the hug." You said looking away from him.

He didn't change with the outfit but his face was a little more grown and he was definetly stronger. His voice was still mello and nice to listen to.


"Hey pubehead." Zapp said to Leo as you and Will walked into Libra.

When they saw Will everyone said their 'hellos' to the blonde.

"Oh! William, nice to see you again!" KK said.

"We all missed ya kid, especially (y/n)~" Zapp cooed at you. Chain calmly jumped onto his head making him freak out like usual tilling her to 'fuck off!'

You started to blush at Zapps statement but started laughing when you seen Zapps face had an imprint Chains' shoe on it.

"Argh! I'm going to get some food!" Zapps shouted as he stormed out, feeling butthurt that a girl could probably kick his ass.

"H-hey (y/n), that reminds me...do you want to go get lunch with me?" Will stammers.

"S-sure, I'm really hungry! I could use a burger!"

You both leave Libra, as you look over your shoulder everyone waves you too a goodbye
You wave back to everyone and shut the door.

As you two walked the busy streets, not much talking was exchanged. You looked over to the horizon looking at the sun shining bright and the sky full of a flock of birds. You face your attention towards Will to see he looked nervous on what to really say.

"Um, thanks Will" you say, breaking the awkward silence.

"Oh, Anytime. Ya' know (y/n), I'm glad to be back. I sort of missed this place to be honest!"

"You missed Hellsalems Lot? thats the oddest thing you have ever said! Wouldn't you rather stay in the UK, it's much nicer there and calmer."

"W-well I don't get to see you in the UK..."

You looked away from Will, hiding a very deep blush from him.

"A-and the others of course."

You look over at Will who was in a deep thought.

'What is he thinking about?'

While you to walk to the restaurant you can't help think about William and what was going on inside his head.


New Hope (William x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat