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"Hey" you breathe out over the phone as Will picked up.

It was pretty late at this hour. You and Leo searched for the so called 'man in the suit' but no luck. As expected with such a vague description.

"Hey, how was your day. Did you eat?" William asked a little concerned. He knew you overworked sometimes and didn't eat much, he was a worry wart for sure.

"Yes, I ate, thank you for asking. My day was a little peculiar though..."

"How so love?"

"I actually have a mission to do, don't you believe it!" You gasp out a laugh as you enter your apartment room going straight to your bed to lay down.

"Yeah that is so strange~ a mission." he giggled

"Not just that you dork, we are looking for a man in a suit. Very vague and Klaus was acting strange about it. He just had this odd aura about it."

"I'm sure it was nothing to worry about (y/n). I mean he wouldn't put you in danger, he is a good man. You're probably tired and overthinking it, at least I hope so."

"Yeah, yeah I know Will. I probably am, I always do."

"Well (y/n), it was wonderful to hear your beautiful voice but I think I am going to hit the sack. I'm a little tired."

"You sound more than a little tired, Will."

"Y-yeah, you're right, I'm super tired."

"Ha ha, well good night. I love you."

"I love you too, and don't over work yourself!"

With that the conversation ended. It wasn't a long conversation but it was still good to talk to your boyfriend about everything.
Your feeling were conflicting as you sat in your bed and thought about everything. What was Klaus on about? How could you "Handel them best"? It just didn't make sense.

As you got up to stretch your aching body from all the walking you noticed a piece of browned paper on your nightstand.

"I don't remember putting that there..." you sigh confusingly as you go to grab it. The paper was folded neatly into a little square. As you grabbed the small sheet, the more eerie it felt. The more you unraveled it the more weirded out you became. As you finally open the last fold your stomach dropped to the floor.

"I haven't forgotten you. I will have you. My queen. -Despair"

You fell to your knees. It was him. You crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash out of anger.It had to be a joke, right? No it wasn't. All you could do was cry now. It had to be him. You crawled over to the garbage can and took the paper out of the trash. You put it back on your nightstand. All you could do was just sit on the ground and cry with your palms over your face and your fingers grabbing your hair. What was going to happen? Will was in danger now.


"Klaus, we need to talk. Now. It is urgent." You rush into Libra headquarters. Everyone gave you an odd stare.  They all looked concerned, even Zapp. Your face was sore from crying and all puffy. You were scared, upset, and angry. You needed Klaus to shed some sort of light and reassurance to the situation.

"Alright, (y/n). Come with me."

You and Klaus entered an empty room before you pulled the crumbled paper out of your pocket and shoved it into his hand.

"This. He's back. You knew, right? You had to of? That is why you were acting so strange and that is why I could handle them best an--"

"(Y/n), please calm down. Take a deep breath for a moment."

"How!? He is after me! What if he hurts Will?!"

"He won't.."

"Why would you not tell me? I was going to find out when the bastard tried to take me or something! You do remember he lived with me? Knows where I am?"

"Yes, I am aware, but-"

"But what! He was my old lover so you thought I would be okay seeing that thing? God, I know it was stupid to be with him, the worst thing I could do. I'm so ashamed. I wanted to forget him."

All you could do was speak. Your mind was running one hundred miles per hour. You just didn't know what was going to happen. You were panicking. Tears swelled in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks.

"(Y/n), Listen. I have a plan. Don't worry it will be alright.


Wowzers. A lot dialogue and bad writing skills

It is about 4am and I have gotten zero sleep. Sorry if this chapter was confusing,,,

I haven't been doing my best lately so that is the reason why I haven't updated in months?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2017 ⏰

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