-William's Thoughts-

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  When I met (y/n) it wasn't in person. It was when he was in control. She was lost and bumped into us as my body was heading off to do something terrible probably. I'm really not sure what, but he always was one to do terrible things.

He politely said to her: "watch where ya goin miss."

From there I knew he had a thing for her. I could feel it myself. The way my heart raced when he was in control was unbearable. The way he talked to her was unreal. The though of him with her was just crazy until she told him she loved him. That hurt me but why?

There I was, not able to warn her of him because I was trapped. How did she think a guy who called himself "Despair" was good news?

I became jealous. I liked her too. And still do (of course). I fell hard and felt as if it was me giving her the love and pleasure she deserved but it wasn't. The rage I had weakened him. He played it off and tried to act fine but he wasn't. He was hurting. He hated the fact he loved her.

(Y/n) fell for the wrong thing. He and her were opposites for the matter. She loved and cherished her life as he didn't. I can never forget what I felt during the time he was in control. I felt like complete shit and just wanted things to end for good.

Thinking about it makes me cry. I know it's the dumb to cry and be a wuss, like White always told me when we were kids. I just can't control it. (Y/n) means the world to me.

The Great Collapse was a terrible time for me and my body. I felt as if I was going to die. When (y/n) spoke up and told Despair how she really felt I was quite happy to know she knew what was going on. His heart broke with thoes words as he walked out of apartment room that day. He felt me and was scared of the fact I was the stronger one then.

I will never forget that day...

Leo saved me from Despair as White took Despairs remaining soul out of me. I never thought I would loose White, I felt so alone until I seen (y/n). Her face focused on mine and for a second I couldn't speak.

She finally seen me.

As I sit on the couch I begin to cry once more.


"William?!" You ask the blonde as a tear streams down from his eye.

'It can't be the movie'

"Will, what's wrong?" You ask again and more frantic as light tears fall down his soft cheeks, glasses reflecting the light from the t.v.

" Just thinking (y/n). It's nothing to worry about." He says calmly. Trying to put a plastic smile on his face but you knew him to well. He can't keep lying to you.

"Will. What are you thinking about?" Your voice raised a little as you too are feeling the sadness from your boyfriend and a little frustrated that you didn't know the problem.

"When he was in control (y/n)." He replied quickly, probably not wanting to continue the conversation.

" If you think I still have feelings for him I don't. I really like you and I relized you were there the whole time." You breathe out, trying to remain strong.

"R-really?" He questions with an unsure expression.

"Of course will, I really like you." You answer giving him a kiss.

"(Y-y/n)!" He started to chuckle as you takled him into a bear hug.

Things were going great until the both of you discovered you were in a very odd position for yourselves.

Now it was your turn to be embarrassed as William smoothly caressed your sides making you shiver.

"W-william!?" You nearly shouted as he closed his eyes and smiled lightly.

"(Y/n), I honestly like you and if you don't want to do this, we can stop." He nearly whispered as his face was beet red.

"W-will?" You were currently on top of him as you looked him in the eyes, his gaze was over to the corner to avoid your eyes. Embarrassed by the fact he was having these thoughts early into the relationship.

"I-it's okay, Will. I trust you." You say as you got to lay on the other side of the couch on your back.

"You can kiss me, William..." you started to say as you held your hands out, motioning consent to this whole thing.

Will nervously towers over you and moves some hair away from your neck area and lightly kisses your neck. You give out a low moan and he sucks your neck. He looks up at you to look into your eyes, worried that he might be making you uncomfortable.

"Y/n)?Is it alright with you? If you don't wan---"

"I want this to William... I want to forget Despair."


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