-Man In The Suit-

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You enter Libra with a smile on your face. The thoughts of you and Williams date and other events were tied to your train of thought,but now was not the time to think of that. You hum to yourself as you seat yourself in your usual spot, ready to start a day of work.

"Hey (y/n)!" Leo greeted you with his usual cheeky smile.

"Hey Leo." You replied as you sat down, ready to continue your work once again. As you got set up Klaus came up to you. There was something off about him, you just couldn't put your finger on it. You looked at the tall man with an confused expression. His face was calm yet... just too calm.

"(Y/n), I would like for you to go on a mission with Leo? Are you up for it by any chance?"

Klause was asking you if you wanted to go on a mission? Of course you would go, you waited since the last time you went with Leo and Zapp, even though you almost died. The past was the past right? You needed to show you were strong and could handle yourself.

"Yes, of course, but may I ask what it is about?"

Klause cleared his throat before resuming.

"Well, (y/n) there is a foreigner the recently entered in the city that may be a threat. I feel as if you and Leo can handle them the best. All the info I can give is he is the man in the suit. It would be preferred to find him quickly. Just make sure you're not noticed. "

"What do you mean 'handle them the best'?"

"With your logic skills and Leo's eyes I think that will suit this mission perfectly, all you need to do is find them. Trust me, you and Leo will know who." That is all he said before leaving the room. The strange feeling overcame you but maybe he was just worried about you? You tried to shake it off the best you could before leaving.


"Klause was strange today." You started as you and Leo walked the streets of Hellsalem. The cars roared and the people chattered. The streets were quite busy, bustling with many creatures and humans. The sight of the city brings you back to the first time you came to Hellsalems Lot.

"Yeah. He was kinda off maybe he is nervous for you? I mean he really does care for everyone at Libra and it's been a while since you been on a mission." Leo replied as his hand met the back of his neck.

"Yeah, yeah I know but I can handle myself now. I was new then and didn't know how to fight. Plus we are just looking for the guy anyway."

"Hey if you d-don't mind me asking but how are you and William? I haven't spoken to him lately."

"We are go--"

"Excuse me miss."

You and Leo turn around to face a tall man with a suit on. You started to panic internally. Was that the man Klause told you and Leo to look upon, did he know?

"I need to find the nearest train, do you know where it is?" His face was calm and his eyes were tired looking. He looked like another buisness person finding their way in the city. He smiled abit before talking again. "Sorry to weird you two kids out, I just thought you would know. It's my first day and I don't want to be late! I haven't road the train before."  He claimed, starting to get a little nervous, he looked about in his 20's.

"Oh! You're fine and it's just a little ways north of here." You reply with an apologetic smile.

"Thank you!" He hurried past you and Leo in a smooth sprint. He was just another man working hard at his job, trying not to be late. You could relate to that.

"For a minute I thought that was our guy, I guess we just have to look some more." Leo said with a little disappointed.

" Well yeah Leo, it's going to be hard because there are so many people in suits in this damn city."

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