-Coffee and Powers-

449 16 4

"(Y/n)?... Ummm (y/n)?"

You hear an shy voice ask as you feel hands push you back and fourth. You were asleep, so you thought of it as a dream.


You mumble slightly as you turn to face Will, still sleeping. All you had on was a tank top and underwear, you didn't think you would over sleep.

"Huh... U-UMMM!!!!" Will stammered as he woke you up from the loudness in his voice.

"S-sorry! I didn't know that was all you had on! How could I be so rude!"

You look down at yourself, revealing yourself.

"Ahh!" You screech in embarassment.

"I-I have to get dressed!" You say standing up, your blanket covering you

"Sorry about this Will!"

"O-o-oh okay! It's okay!!"

With that Will quickly rushed out of your room.

'How embarrassing, I feel so rude! Ugh! How stupid could I be... Lifting her blanket up. If I didn't, then I wouldn't have seen. I hope she isn't pissed.'

Even though it was literally the smallest thing/mistake, Will still thought is all over, feeling rude.

You walk out of your room in your normal outfit to see Will on the couch, hands on his face and elbows on his knees.

"Will, don't think about it too much dude! You know I'm not mad!" You laugh as you pat his back.

"You take things too serious Will, come on! We will be late!"

As he stood up, you dragged him out of the apartment; of course making him stumble a little.


"Thanks Vivian!"

You two were currently drinking your coffee, in awkward silence. Something was bothering Will, you could tell.

"Will, if you still are embarrassed about toda--"

"It's not that, I just have some things to think about, thats all." He gave you an unsure smile.


"Oh, just feelings. Nothing much."

"Do you wanna' talk about it?"

"N-no, I'm still not sure how I feel. So lets drop the topic." He flashed you his signature smile, glasses gleaming in the sunlight.

"okay." You slightly blush at Wills cute expression.

Deep down inside, you still wanted to know what was bothering him you care about him a lot more than you should.

"Woah!" You heard a voice screech as you see a pot of coffee flying, just about to hit a older man.

The dark liquid stopped right by his face, surprised you turned to tell Will but he looked different. His eyes glowed a little and you remember he was a caster and he had thoes type of powers. You were amazed by this while others panicked, letting the liquid fall.

"S-sorry about that! No matter how hard I try I still can't get it..." Will said to the group of people. They just stared at him in awe.

"Wow, that was pretty cool!" You say to Will, eyes sparkling a little.

"Uhhh thanks... And really???"

"Yes! And lets go, I have to be at work in 20 minutes." You say dragging him out of the resturant.

"Thanks Vivian!" William shouts behind him as you two exit.

"Here's my stop"

"Oh yeah!" Will says, laughing nervously.

"Well, bye Will."

"Bye (y/n)!" He waves as he starts walking away.

For some reason you felt a little disappointed that you weren't with Will. As you were going up the elevator you decided you need to talk to someone about your feelings. The only person you could think of was Klaus.


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