-Bitter Sweet Feelings-

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As you two walked around town you felt very happy and felt some strange feeling of relief. Was it because William was back? You two walked all over and you even went to the other part of town, chatting and laughing as you did so.

You were honestly confused about your feelings. You liked William... Actually you really liked him. You felt as you couldn't though, since the whole Despair incident. Despair will always be in your heart but maybe it was time to move on. It was in the back of your head the whole day, you just tried to ignore it.

"Are you okay, (y/n)?"

"Oh yeah!!! I'm fine, really!" You tell William, blushing a little bit.

"Your face is um- kinda red... Are you

"No, it's all good!" You laugh as you look away.

"You're acting a bit strange, but I guess that's normal for you." Will laughs out teasing you.

"H-hey! Macbeth you are also strange!"

"I guess so (y/n), we are all just so strange in this city."

You and Will walk around the city a bit more, joking around like usual. It felt great to have your good friend back to talk to and have your morning coffee with.

"So Will, what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Seriously (y/n)? You know the usual 'coffee before work' system."

"Yeah. Just making sure you remembered."

"I don't think I would forget anything we do. You're a great friend... You have helped me through my problems. I thank you, (y/n)."

"Y-your welcome Will!" You laugh as you two walk to the train to ride back to your apartment.


"I thank you so much William! I had an awesome time!"

"I'm glad you did, so did I. I really missed this, is hanging out."

"Yeah, me too Will. Well this is goodbye. For tonight."

"Yeah, bye (y/n)."

"Bye, Will."

You wanted to give him a big hug. He stood so close to you. He looked at you, his blue eyes standing out as the both of you stood outside of your apartment complex. He smiled lightly and the street lights beamed on him. You looked at him before giving him a hug.

"(Y-y-y/n)!" Will shouted blushing madly as he stumbled back from your sneak attack hug.

"Haha! Don't act like that Will, it's not like we never hugged!"

You pulled away from Will, who was still very confused about the hug. You seen him faintly shrug it off still blushing and wave his goodbye as he walked to his apartment a few blocks down.

You pounce onto your bed and groan into the pillow.

You didn't want to catch feelings but you sort of already did. Damn thoes bitter sweet feelings!

William pov:

As I enter my apartment room I can't help but go straight to my bed. I see Leo brought my luggage for me; I will have to thank him tomorrow.

I look up at my ceiling, thinking about the good day I had today with (y/n). I can't believe it's been a year, well damn. The hug she gave me made me happy; honestly, I don't know why.

When he was in control, he loved her. Cared for her. Pleased her in many ways I don't want to remember. It's hard thinking I took her lover away but it's me. My body. I had to.

I groan as I remove my glasses and put them on my nightstand. I missed this place surprisingly, i'm happy to be in my good old bed again. I set my alarm so I can go and wake up (y/n) in the morning for our usual coffee.

Back regular pov:
You look at your phone one more time, to check your social media, before you go to sleep.

You get a call.


"Hey boss."

"Oh hello miss (l/n), sorry to wake you if I did."

You look at your phone clock to see it is already 11:49. 'Wow, we were out for a while!'

"Oh no, you didn't wake me. I just got back home actually!"

"I was calling to check up on you, everyone was anxious about you and William today. Lets just say you guys were the talk of the office." Klaus jokes lightly, making you laugh a little.

"Oh really? I told you guys before we are not dating. We are just good friends thats all..."

"Alright, well remember to bring the book report tomorrow, if you finished anyway. I hope you did because we sort of need that information."

"Alrighty! Of course I got it done! Im not a slacker like Zapp, unlike that silver haired dumbass I have goals and morals."

"I know, I have high hopes for you. Goodnight miss (l/n), I have to call Leonardo."

"Alright, bye- bye."

You hang up the phone and get up out of bed... To finish your book report. Yeah, you slacked a little bit but you still were not like the idiot Zapp Renfero.

Tonight was going to be a long night for you, thats for sure. Your new feeling for Will and work.



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