-First Date-

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You and William were currently at a nice little restaurant in the city. Yes, he ask you to go.
The whole day you spent trying to find the 'perfect' dress and you did. It was a (short/long) (f/c) dress, it fitted you perfectly. For once you felt confident in yourself and you were ready for the date.

"You look absolutely stunning, (y/n)." William said in a mear whisper while he fixed his tie.

"Thank you Will, you look very handsome..." You say blushing, messing with your thumbs due to the nervousness of the date. William in a slick black tux was a very nice sight to see, so much it made you nervous as hell. You even moved around a little in your chair to try and 'shake the nervousness' out of you.

"O-oh thanks..." He said adjusting his glasses with a cough afterwards, due to his noticeable nervousness he had.

"Thanks for this... To be honest it was too much..."

"What do you mean (y/n)?"

"W-well this place is like... well expensive." You whisper to William while looking at the crowds of people at their tables in elegant clothing and the chandelier hanging down, reflecting the lights from around the room.

"Oh well I want to make you happy... B-because... iloveyouverymuchandyeah!"


"I love you very much, (y/n)." He repeated in a slower, more serious tone.

"I love you too, Will..." You mearly whisper out as you look at him from across the table. His smiling face and blue eyes.

"So (y/n)... Umm...." He was very nervous, as you could tell by his shaky voice and the glossiness on his face due to a little bit of sweat.

"What is it Will?"

"Well (y/n)... Here."

He held out a little black box, eyes pleading you to open it. So you did.

"William..." You gasped as you seen a little necklace, it looked like a real diamond necklace but you weren't really sure.

"Will, is this... ya know. Real?"


"Why, I am very thankful but you don't have to do this much for me. I'm very happy just being with you!" You whined flabbergasted by the necklace itself.

"I really do love you (y/n), don't forget that and dont think I care about Des--"

"I-I know but don't spoil me, I won't leave ya know." You cut him off, putting the necklace back in its box.

"This is already too much... Thank you, again."

"Anything for you...(y/n)."

You just flash him a cute little smile before the waiter came and took your orders.


"Thank you so much!" You say as you hug him, walking out of the resturant. As he opens the door a slight breeze is in the air, cool and crisp.

"Your welcome (y/n), glad you liked it... b-but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place tonight?"

With a request like that, how could you resist.

"S-sure William."


New Hope (William x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now