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"Oh! We are here Will!"

You pull William into the resturant a little forcefully.

"(Y-y/n) geez you're strong!" He said, stumbling a little due to the pull.

"I'm hungry Will, I have not ate all day! I could use some food right now."

You and William take a seat at your usual booth. Vivian approaches you, with her little notebook and pen. Clicking the pen ready to write down the usual orders.

"Hey William, welcome back!" She says with her usual smile, happy to see you two again.

"Thanks, Vivian. I missed the food here!" Will replies chuckling.

"The usual, right? Two cokes and our special; cheese burgers and fries for the both of you?" Vivian states knowingly smiling as she already starts to write.

"Yep, that's it!" You say happily, excited you were finally going to eat something.

"Alright! That will be 30 minutes, see ya around guys!"

As Vivian walks away, you start a conversation with William hoping to find what he was thinking about.

"So... Did you meet anyone on your 'trip'? Ya' know a girl??" You ask slightly grinning, kinda hoping he would say no for some reason.

"O-oh no! N-n-no, I wasn't really looking for that..."

"Oh, sorry then."

"For what?"

"Well, is it because of him?"

You wanted to know. Did you drag him down from having a relationship with other girls? You hoped not, you couldn't bear being the one who ruined his life. You didn't know why you brought it up, but you needed the reassurance.

"(Y/n)... If you are about to blame yourself, stop. It is not your fault... It's his. You couldn't help having thoes feelings I--"

The conversation was interupted by Vivian setting your cokes down, making you both jump slightly.

"S-sorry!" She said hurrying off to anothet table, noticing the serious aura around you both.

"A-anyway... I understand."

" W-well don't you feel awkward around me Will?"

"No way!"

"Ummm... You kinda seen things and..."

"O-OH! I literally forgot (y/n)... please don't remind me..." Will said blushing a little, not to your notice.

"A-am I gross or something?!" You now growl at him. Secretly just joking around with him, not offended at all.

"N-no!!!! I-its just that w-we are friends, we souldn't be thinking about eachother like this!" He stammered, madly blushing. He looked like a tomato.

"I guess thats why we are really good friends..." You add, making him go wide eyed.

" (y/nnnn), Stoppppp you creep!"

The food, of course, was great. You scarffed the burger down. On the other hand, Will ate his like a little bird pecking a worm.

"Aren't you hungry?" You say inbetween chews.

"Y-yeah, I'm just a slow eater. Not everyone eats like a little pig (y/n)." He joked as his smile grew wider,

"H-hey! I do not eat like a pig!" You grin as you also started to laugh.

As you and Will continued your conversation, you felt great! It's nice to have a friend you could really be yourself with, showing your joking side. You enjoy this time with William.

"Man Will, I'm stuffed! Thanks for asking me to come with..." You say, slightly blushing.

"Anytime, it was good to talk to you face-to-face instead of on the phone."

"Yeah." You smile at him as Vivian comes back with the tab."

"I got it." You both say at the same time. This end up starting a rock-paper-scissors match between you and Will. Who ever won. paid. Odd? Not really.

"Hah, I won. But seriously (y/n), it was my treat!" He said concentration on having the right amount of change.

"You just came back! I should be paying!"

"No,no it's on me and you can't change my mind."

"Alright, well thank you Will."

"Anytime! It was great coming back!" The blonde said smiling.

As you two stood up and headed for the door he turned to you.

"D-do you want to walk around for awhile?" Will asked as he held the door for you.

"S-sure... Like around town?" 

"Yeah, where else (y/n)." Will said jokingly chuckling a bit.

"Oh, sure Will that sounds nice."


Hey guys,,,

I'm feeling a little sick in the throat and nose today, it sucks ass. I'm up late af playing GTA because I have nothing better to do

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