Chapter 1 | Alec Bolton

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{Brianna Kerri (Main character)'s POV}

Chapter 1: Alec Bolton

"Mom, what's all the fuss about?" I asked, running down the stairs two at a time after I heard Mom calling my name multiple times.

"Honey, we have new neighbors!" She squealed happily. "And from the looks of it, we've not only gotten one new family, but two! See, those two houses have moving trucks in front of them," she pointed at the two houses: one right next to us and the other a little bit down the street.

"That's pretty cool! Do you think there will be anyone I can play with?" the doofus, AKA my (six year old) brother, Chris asked while bounding down the stairs. "Let's hope so," Mom replied to him, already washing her hands. She had been cooking dinner.

"Do you think we could invite them over for dinner? I'm sure they don't have much to eat, especially after they've just arrived." Chris suggested, and Mom loved the idea. She'd always wanted new neighbors that had a woman that was about the same age as her, since all of our other neighbors were pretty...old and cranky, most of the time. Not the kind of people who like socializing, which is not the type of people you'd wanna hang out with.

"I'll go say hello and invite them over. And how about we all go?" She waited for our replies before putting on her shoes and rushing out the door. I smiled at the sight, but then frowned when my mom came trudging back in a little while.

"They're not home. I guess... They didn't arrive yet? I mean, we've only seen the moving trucks so far, not the people. So I think we're just going to invite them over to dinner tomorrow." She said sadly, but recovered very soon.

I climbed up the stairs hurriedly when I heard a few thumps upstairs, except it didn't seem to be coming from my room or Chris's. Hmm... I shook my head, clearing away all the scary thoughts and went inside my room. I looked around, but there wasn't anything on the floor that might've fallen, and there was no one in here. I searched in Chris's room, but found it in the same condition as mine. Suddenly, it hit me. "Of course! The house next doors!" I said to myself, running back to my own room to peek through my light pink windows. I saw a whole family in there. A boy, a girl, a man, and a woman. I couldn't see their faces, because they were all facing away from me. I gave up trying to peek and swished close the curtains again.


I woke up to my alarm.

I don't wanna get up. At least it's Friday!

I flunked my hand across my bed, and hit the off button of my alarm clock with the Palm of my hand. Splat. Ow, that hurt. I winced, then grumbled slightly before getting out of bed. I plucked off my clothes and went straight into the shower. A nice, warm shower always wakes me up on the harsh mornings. "Aah. This feel good." I said, and massaged my head and hair with my favorite shampoo that smelled like vanilla.

After I was ready for school, I rushed out the door, taking a peek at the house beside our house. It got rebuilt into a two-story house just as our old neighbors moved out. It was a house that hadn't been used for almost three years now. I looked more carefully into the house and it's windows, hoping to see the new family. But no such luck. I look down the street where the other new family lives. They've already arrived. I can see a boy, a girl, a man, and a woman. 'Wait, what?!' I thought. 'Those are the same exact people I saw in the house next to mine!' I cocked my head sideways, pondering about it for a second before I rushed out of the house and towards school.

The Boy Next DoorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant