Chapter 5 | The Feelings

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Chapter 5: The Feelings


I woke up fast in the morning, at about 5:00 AM and took a quick shower. After brushing my teeth, I went over to my dresser and chose out an outfit. I wore a black crop-top sweater that said "Mondays equals 👎🏻 and Fridays are 👍🏻", a light blue pair of jeans, and some light brown Ugg boots. I minimized my makeup; just some mascara, a bit of concealer here and there, and red lipstick (like Taylor Swift!).

I heard a Ping from my phone as a new message came in. I picked it up, and saw that it was Alec.

"Want a ride?" The message said.

"Sure, thx." I texted back, then packed my backpack after shoving the rest of the toast into my mouth.

"I'm going, Mom! See you later!" I yelled from the door, and dashed over to Alec's house. As soon as I pressed the doorbell, a smiling little Lily opened the door for me.

"Hi Brianna!" She said, holding her arms out so that I could carry her. I laughed and picked up her. "Good morning."

Alec came out from behind Lily. He had a white shirt and black jeans on. His shoes were red converse. God he looked good. "Hey," he said, waving. "You ready to go to school?" I nodded, but screamed when he picked me up.

"Put me down!" I demanded, struggling to free myself from his firm hands. "No," he replied, still carrying me as if I was as light as a feather. I finally stopped squiggling around when I saw his motorcycle come into view.

"Are we riding a motorcycle to school?" I asked. "Yeah. Won't that be fun?" He told me me.

"Yeah!" I said, and jumped out of his arms, running towards the bike. I was struggling to get on, so Alec came up from behind me and carried me onto the bike. He rode in front of me, and I clutched tightly onto him for dear life. I knew it was going to be scary, but in books it always said that motorcycles gave you a sense of free will, so I tried it.

"Hey, Alec! How am I going to get to school?" Ellen suddenly popped out from behind and waved to me.

"Go in one of the cars." Alec yelled back, pointing at the garage.

The bike started making big sounds, and off we went. For a while I was scared and held onto Alec very tightly. But as soon as I got used to it I lifted my head up and let the wind go against my face. It felt good, cool. I laid my head against Alec's back and sighed. I could imagine him smirking right now, since I seemed to be enjoying it. In fact I was.

We arrived all too soon. But the ride was fun, so I was satisfied. Alec suddenly reached his hand to my waist and snaked an arm around it. I raised an eyebrow at him, but he pretended not to notice.

"Umm... Alec..." I managed to say. He looked down at me. "Hm? What?" Alec asked, smirking and showing that he actually knew I wasn't comfortable.

Ugh. Whatever.

I hurriedly walked my way to class, and took Alec's hand off of me when we arrived at class. I had this bubbly feeling when I was near him, and when he touched me I could feel sparks. I couldn't believe that I had feelings for him, and I wouldn't believe. I walked into class, and sat down next to Ellen.

"Hey Ellen, I need to tell you something..." I said, and told her all about Alec and the feelings that I thought I had for him.

"Yay! You finally realized. I want you to be my sister-in-law!" She grinned.

"Yeah... I kind of felt butterflies and stuff when I was around him at first, but never sparks. I guess the feelings became stronger as time passed." I explained. "But I don't think he likes me back. I mean, he's a player and the school's new bad boy! No way he'd fall for a girl like me."

"No, no, no. Brianna, have you ever seen the way he looks at you? How he tries to be with you all the time, and his overprotective ways? If you're so doubtful about him then I know a way we can tell if he likes you or not. I have a plan." She said.

"What's the plan?" I asked.

"Ill explain to you later, at lunch. Let's stop talking for now. Mrs. Abbot's sending daggers towards us!" She giggled. I nodded and faced front. Mrs. Abbot cleared her throat and went on explaining about our five page essay due tomorrow about Plato and Socrates.



"Ok, so what's the plan?" I asked.

"The plan is, we'll meet at Sushi Kuni at 6:00 PM today for dinner. Bring Alec with you, but don't tell him that other people are coming. Sit at a table for four, and you guys will sit across from each other. Later on I'll come with another guy, and I'll tell that guy the plan too. Then that guy will sit next to you, and I'll sit next to Alec. That guy will flirt with you and try to touch you, of course not inappropriately but just things like: putting his hand around your shoulder or waist, putting his face close to yours sometimes, etc. If Alec gets jealous and is mad at that guy, he likes you and has an interest in you. If he doesn't do anything he doesn't like you in that way. If he doesn't have an interest in you like that then he'll probably be happy for you and the guy, since the guy will act like he likes you. Alright?" Ellen explains, and I nod along to everything she says.

"Okay. Today at 6:00 PM, bring Alec and sit at a table for four. Got it." I replied, and went on with eating the rest of my lunch.


Hey guys, it's Reina!
Thanks for reading another chapter of my book! Sorry that this chapter is so short, I'll try to make the next story a little longer. I get really annoyed when a story is short so I try to make my stories as long as I can.

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

-Reina Jung💋

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