Chapter 12 | Pain

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Chapter 12: Pain

😎Alec's POV😎

[A Week Later]

Brianna was still in her stupid effin coma. I was at the hospital yet again, but no one else was here. Ellen had classes, and the guys all had something planned. And I most definitely didn't keep in touch with Brian, so I didn't know anything about him.

I held Brianna's cold hands. They had been cold for about a week now.

Suddenly, her eyes started to blink. I gasped. Was she waking up?! "Brianna?" I said, squeezing her hands gently. Her eyes opened again, and then a smile spread through her face. But that only lasted a couple milli-seconds, because soon her eyes opened wide in panic, and her breathing got heavier. She wheezed and coughed. The machine that counted her heartbeats made a beeping sound, and the lines on the monitor turned red. I freaked out and pushed a button to call in the doctors.

As soon as the doctors rushed in, two nurses tried to push me out.

"No! Stop! I'm not fûćkïng going to go when my girlfriends, like, dying!" I said louder than I meant to say.

The beeping monitor got slower and slower, until finally it was a line. Just a smooth, straight line. No beeps, no heartbeats. Tears splashed out of my eyes. "Do something..." I whispered hopelessly.

"She's coming back! She's coming back!" One of the doctors yelled, while two others pumped Brianna's heart furiously. More machines had been stuck to her.

"She's okay, sir." One of the nurses told me with a genuine smile on her face. "I can tell you really care about her. Treat her well." Those words 'she's okay' were the only words I needed to hear. I breathed a sigh of relief and trudged out of the room, sitting down in one of the waiting chairs.

I called Brianna's mom and informed her on what had happened, and she rushed here very fast. Mrs Kerri seemed so worried, and I was sure my expression mirrored hers.

After about 30 minutes, the doctors came out. The nurses were still watching over Brianna just in case something happened. The main doctor, Dr. Drake was the first to speak. "Brianna has just had a heart failure, but we were able to bring her back. We're pretty sure she'll wake up in a couple of weeks. We're guessing that the heart failure did make the amount of days in her coma longer though. She is okay, so you have nothing to worry about." Mrs Kerri went up and hugged the doctor.

"Thank you." She whispered.

[A Month Later]

~Brianna's POV~

I heard nothing. I couldn't open my eyes either. My body wouldn't move. My voice didn't work.

I sighed internally and decided that I needed a little more time sleeping.

After a while I started to feel. My fingers were the first things that moved. Slowly, my eyes also opened. I looked around, and saw Mom on the spare bed next to me. Wait, where am I? I tried to recall everything—anything that happened. I couldn't, my mind was blank. I could tell I was in a hospital though.

Alec was also here. But he was on the couch, and he looked way more tired than Mom. He had dark bags under his eyes, and visible tear stains on his cheeks. He was frowning, his eyebrows creasing his forehead. Arms crossed and eyes closed, he looked sad, angry, and...broken. He looked hot though.

I felt my throat opening up. Maybe I can try talking? I opened my mouth and whispered, "Alec."

Alec's face immediately whipped up, and he stared at me with wide eyes. They looked scared. "Alec." I whispered again. My throat was so dry. I wanted a drink. Alec's scared eyes slowly turned to happy eyes as he came towards me. He first pressed a button, and then came over to me.

"Brianna?" He asked, looking at me. "Your eyes, skin, lips. The color... They returned to normal." He looked so happy. I grinned, but winced because it hurt. I settled with a little smile instead.

"Are you okay?" I asked him back, looking him over. He almost looked dead. Of course, he still had his hulks of muscles but he'd definitely gotten a little skinnier. Not much, just a tiny bit. And his skin was pretty pale, his hands shaking. His hair was mussed up as if he had put his hands through it a lot. The only parts that looks alive and bright were his eyes.

He held my head gently in his hands and caressed my cheeks.

The doctors came in just then and came over to me. "Brianna, are you okay?" One doctor said. "I'm Dr Drake, your main doctor." I shook his hand.

"Do you feel nauseous, pain, or anything else?" Another doctor asked.

"My body feels numb." I replied. They looked at each other and jotted down notes. "And I don't feel like I can walk, or stand up." I added.

Dr Drake nodded. "You probably won't be able to use your legs, or your upper body for about a week. Then they'll slowly start to be... Not numb anymore. And your left arm was also injured, so your right arm is kind of the only thing you can move right now." He informed me.

The doctors checked a few things on me, then went out to leave some time for me and Alec.

"I missed you." Alec said. "Me too." I replied. "How long was I out for?" "Probably about a month." He told me.

I groaned. "So I missed lots of school, am I right?" He nodded.

Ellen suddenly burst in. "BRIANNA!" I flinched when she yelled. But I was also happy to see her. "Brianna Brianna Brianna Brianna! I missed you so much! Are you okay? When did you wake up? Was Alec here the whole time? Why is your Mom not awake yet? The boys are coming soon. I was so worried about you! When are you able to come back to school? Are you able to stand up? Can you walk? Can you eat? Are you thirsty? What can I—"

"Woah woah woah. Slowwwww down." I said holding my right hand up. "I am okay, I woke up a couple hours ago, yes Alec was here the whole time, I think Mom is just tired, I can probably go back to school in a week or two, I can't walk or stand up, I am hungry and thirsty." I answered all her questions. She laughed and hugged me.

"I thought I'd lost you at first... I was honestly really scared. I love you." She said.

"Y' know, I sometimes envy girls, because they can say thing like 'I love you!' And no one will think of them as weird. But if a guy says that to another guy, people would think they're gay." Alec cut in. I giggled and pulled both of them onto my bed.

"I'm hungry." I told them. Ellen nodded and scurried away to get food. I smiled as all the guys came in. But behind them all was Brian.

Maybe it was because I bumped my head very hard when I fell, or maybe it was because all my memories ran through my head while I was running for my life (cuz I thought I would die), but for the first time I realized that I knew who Brian was.

All the pain came back in a rush, and this wasn't something that the doctor's medicine could make me numb to.

Hey guys, it's Reina!
So, how was this chapter? And I am SO SO SO sorry that I was late to upload. It's because I had all the last few weeks of school tests, and then I had to go to Korea. And in Korea, there was no Wi-Fi so yeah...😭 Sorry and hope you enjoyed this!

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung💋

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