Chapter 18 | Funeral

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Chapter 18: Funeral

I walked into my bathroom to change into the black dress I was now holding. My dress was a simple, black lace dress with intricate flower patterns around the bottom. A black pearl necklace hung lowly on my boobs.

After my dress was on, I applied some makeup; a smokey eye look. I was surprised when I came out and was face-to-face with Alec. He looked pretty good in the black pants, white shirt, and leather jacket he was wearing. I bit my lip, but Alec grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"Hey, what was that for?" I asked when he pulled away.

"Stop doing that." He said smirking.

"Stop doing what?"

"Biting your lip. It turns me on and distracts me."

"Oh—okay. Anyway, we should go to the funeral. Come on." I grabbed his hand and dragged him out to his car, which was parked in front of my house. "Let's hurry and go pickup Ben." I said.

"Alright." Alec said and drove off to Ben's place.

Ellen was going to the funeral with Jake, and he was driving her. Ryan was going on his own car, and Matthew was going with his own family, since it was his mom that died. Ben had to get us to drive him, since his parents were out on their anniversary and didn't know Kassy had passed away. His car was a pretty good model, but very noticeable. A funeral isn't a place you go to stand out.

Once we were at Ben's house, I got out and rang the doorbell. Ben opened the door dressed in all white. My jaw dropped open. "Are you that surprised that I look this good? Alec's going to be pissed." Ben teased.

"Umm, Ben. It's not that. You're wearing all white. You gotta wear black to a funeral." I said.

"Oh, really? I thought we had to wear white to symbolize Angels..." He scratched the back of his neck.

I laughed. "Do not fear! I am here! What would you do without me? Let's get you changed. I'll pick an outfit for you. C'mon." I invited myself into his house.

It was a big house with the main color as brown. Brown carpeted floors, brown stairs, brown tables and chairs, brown desks, brown doors. Literally everything was brown. "I like your house."


Ben led me to his room and showed me his closet. It was labeled, so it was easy to see which drawers I needed to open. I picked out a black button-up shirt with black pants. I picked out some black Vans to complete the whole black theme. "Go change." I told him, handing him all the clothes.

"Okay." He went into his bathroom while I sat on his bed, waiting. When he was done, I nodded, looking at him front and back to admire my perfect fashion sense.😏😂

"Wait, one more thing." I walked over to him and rolled up the sleeves. "Now it's perfect."

"Thanks, let's go to the car now. Alec must be wondering if I killed you." Ben said as we trudged down the stairs.

"Hey babe, why were you so late?" Alec asked while kissing me shortly.

"Ben over here, was wearing all white. So I chose new clothes for him." I answered smiling. "Let's go. Ben, get in the car. Hurry." Ben scurried in and closed the door. Alec was off as soon as he heard the click of Ben's seatbelt.

The funeral had the theme of all black (no duh), but it was beautiful. At the front was a priest on a podium, holding a big black book. There was a coffin next to him. The coffin was black, but had gold outlining on the top and bottom. Sparkling, diamond pieces were around the gold lines. Tons of flowers were around the coffin, which were all kinds of colors. Pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, peach, and many other shades. Rows and rows of chairs lined the building, and most of them were already filled.

I saw Matthew's family in the front along with all our other friends. There was a little bit of space left, so we headed there. I sat next to Matthew, Alec sat next to me, and Ben sat at the edge. "Hey Matthew." I greeted.

"Hi." Matthew said. He lifted his face to look at me, and I could see his cheeks crusted with dried up tears.

"Aww, Matthew. It's okay. It's going to be okay." I hugged him again, and he hugged me back...again.

After a while, almost everyone invited was inside. The priest turned on his mic and coughed, catching everyone's attention. He said a bunch of random stuff about how Kassy Lachow had died, and he was going to send her to heaven and such. At the end, he said, "Now the people who have prepared a speech may come up and say it."

Matthew was the first to come up. "You're going to be alright." I whispered to him before he went.

"Kassy Lachow, my mother, was a beautiful, caring person." He started. "My mother was the best one in the world to me. She was the one I went to when I had any problems, and she would sit there and listen to every single thing I had to say. And I admit, I was a mommy's boy. She was the person who made me happy, the one who made me smile everyday. From the time I was born to today, she has taken care of me and supported me with everything. I would like to thank her for that." He looked at Kassy. "Thank you, Mom." He looked back at us. "She always told me that she loved me. Every, single, day. And I loved her too—and still love her now. I will remember her always, and I hope all of you too. The saddest thing is that I wasn't able t-to say b-bye to h-her. I-I'm so sorry, M-Mom. I-I love y-you. Thank you f-for everything y-you've done. G-goodbye." He was sobbing quietly again. Tears streamed down his face. He walked down from the podium and headed towards me, and his seat. I held him close and let him cry on my shoulder. Everyone clapped for his speech. Next up was his dad, then his other family members.

Lots of other people besides his family had speeches to say too. After all the speeches, people started to file out. I stayed behind with the rest of our friends to give some good-bye presents to Matthew's mother. I put a dozen Chrysanthemums, a ring box with a gold ring inside, a card with a letter from me and Alec, and some pictures next to her coffin.

"Good bye, Kassy. Don't worry, I'll take care of Matthew. He'll be alright. He has wonderful family and friends, and Matthew will be happier if you don't worry about him. And I'm sure you'll be happier if Matthew doesn't cry much. I promise that'll happen." I whispered to the coffin as I placed the presents. Matthew, Ellen, and Alec also put some flowers next to the coffin along with mine.

"Let's go guys. Thanks for coming." Matthew said, hugging all of us a last time. But he held me longer than usual. Then he kissed the top of my head. "Thank you to you the most." He whispered in my ear.

"You're welcome. And Matthew? Don't cry that much, okay? Because if you do, your mom will be way more worried than she would if you didn't cry." I told him and broke apart. "Bye, Matthew. See you tomorrow when Alec and I go and pick you up for the beach. That should make you a little happier and forget about everything that's happened in such a little time, right?" I thanked Matthew's family for inviting me, and headed home with Alec and Ben.

Hey guys, it's Reina!
Ok, so I am having technical difficulties (like having no Wi-Fi), so I can't post my chapters. There is one place where there is Wi-Fi, but I don't go there often so when I do, I will post as much as possible. While I am writing this author's note, I have about five chapters I haven't published yet. I'm already done with them, but I can't post them. Sorry!
PS I have a new cover! What do you guys think of it? I hope everyone okay with this one.

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung💋

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