Chapter 19 | Beach Day

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Chapter 19: Beach Day

"Good morning babe." I heard someone whisper. I mumbled something incoherent and tried to go back to sleep. I was so sleepy. "Hello, Brianna. Wake up. It's beach day."

"Mmm, I'm sleepy." I said and pushed something out of my face.

"Aww, you're so cute. But Brianna, we gotta get ready and pick everyone up." I opened my eyes to see Alec's face right above mine. He smiled and kissed me.

"It's beach day today?"

"Yup, so get ready." Alec replied and pulled me off the bed into his arms.

"Fine." I pushed myself off of him and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, took a short shower, then wrapped the towel around myself. I stepped out of the bathroom, and opened my closet to pick out a bikini and clothes.

Someone whistled behind me. I looked around around and saw Alec staring at me. I blushed. "Get out!" I pulled the towel closer to my body.

The outfit I chose consisted of a white crop top, blue ripped jeans, white sandals with rhinestones in them, and a white-with-blue-polkadots headband. I wore a white bikini with Ruffles on the booby cups. It was very pretty, and I giggled as I wondered what Alec's reaction would be like.

I got a blue beach bag from my bag display case in my closet and packed a few beach essentials in it: sunblock, sunglasses, a brush, hat, bottomless sandals, change of clothes. "I'm done!" I called to Alec, who was still perfecting his hair. "You do know that once you swim, you're hair will become messy, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm having a bad hair day. I'm trying to tame these wild pieces." He replied. I grunted and trudged to the bathroom where Alec was.

"Let me help." I said and got out a can of hair spray and a comb. Making him look at me, I started grabbing the strands of hair and sprayed the hair spray on to make them stay in place. "Done. Let's go."

"Ok, thanks babe." He kissed me and brought me to his car. Ellen was already inside with her phone, which was opened on Netflix watching Degrassi: Next Class [Season 1]. She was dressed in a white tank top, white lazy shorts, and white sandals with black sunglasses perched on her head.

We went to pickup the guys: Matthew, Jake, Ben, and Ryan. All the boys mostly wore the same things, which was a shirt and swim trunks. Alec was the only one with sunglasses in the guys. Seems like someone's going to become blind from too much sunlight reflecting in their eyes.

As the car came to a halt, I got my sandals off and opened my door, running across the beach, feeling the sand underneath my feet. I went all the way to the edge of the tide. Little waves came close, then went out to the huge ocean. I looked around and saw some little kids building a sandcastle, multiple families, and a group of kids who were about my age.

I laid down on the sand, not caring that it would get everywhere and I would have a hard time brushing it out of my hair. A chuckle was heard, followed by a shadow leaning over me. I squinted to see who it was, and recognized him as Alec. He held my bag and sandals. "Having fun down there?" He asked.

"Yup." I closed my eyes, letting the sun seek into my skin. Alec pulled me up against my whines and brought me under the parasol Ben had set up. I got out a big beach towel from my bag and spread it under the parasol. The guys and Ellen rushed under.

"I'm hungry." Matthew said immediately.

"Of course you are. But don't worry guys, I was up last night making DIY snacks and lunch (watching LaurDIY videos)." I said and crawled to the cooler and baskets.

The guys cheered. "What do you want first, snacks or lunch?" I asked.

"Lunch!" They chorused. I nodded and reached into the baskets, pulling out a couple of sandwiches and drinks.

I handed one to Matthew first. "Thank you!" He said, already starting to eat it. I gave one to all the guys, and they voiced their thanks. When I gave Alec one, he took a bite before offering me a bite. I smiled and ate a little bit.

After the sandwiched were DIY Popsicles that took so long to make. I couldn't decide what to put, but I settled on fruits and gummy bears at the end.

"These taste awesome." Matthew told me, taking another Popsicle out and licking it.

After the food was all devoured, Alec and Ryan rented some surfboards.

"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" Alec asked when I stayed behind.

"I-I don't know how to surf." I stuttered, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll teach you." He said and dragged me towards the ocean.

"Oh, wait!" I said and got off my clothes so that I was only in a bikini. I looked towards Alec and saw his jaw drop. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Let's go." I whispered in his ear. But I squealed when he suddenly lifted me up and grabbed my head, kissing me. My eyes fluttered close and I kissed him back. I felt his lips come down to my neck. He sucked and nibbled on my skin.

"Alec—" I said, trying to push him away. I was embarrassed that we were doing this in public.

"Sorry." He said and pulled away. Lust was clear in his eyes. He smirked when he noticed that I had stopped him only because I was embarrassed. He took my little hand in his big warm one and led me toward everyone, who were in the ocean already surfing.

I screamed when he suddenly pushed me into the water, taking me by surprise. The water was okay, it wasn't too cold and it wasn't so hot. Ben came and lifted me up onto his surfboard. I laughed, but that was soon over when the board flipped over and I was splashed into the ocean again.

Ellen seemed to having fun too, with Jake. But maybe too much fun, as they were currently sucking each other's faces off. I smirked and faced Ben, asking him to push me towards the waves so I could float around on the surfboard. He took me about halfway to the strong waves, so I was placed where there were some little ones. Alec swam over and helped me steady myself on the surfboard.

Ben knowingly backed away, as Alec shot him a look that said 'Don't mess with my girl. I'll take it from here'. Alec held my hand in his.

"Try to stand on your knees. Slowly, though." Alec said.

I nodded and didn't say anything as I poured all my concentration into the simple task. I finally got on my knees, without the board wobbling much. A smile spread through my face as the wind blew in my face and drifted my hair back. He then proceeded to help me up to a squatting position. My hands were on his shoulders and my tongue was bitten with concentration. When I was able to stand, I whooped.

"Yay! Everyone look! I did it!" I yelled at the boys and the couple. Jake and Ellen broke apart, looking at their feet in the water and blushed fiercely.

"Good job Brianna!" Ryan shouted. Ben gave me a thumbs up and Matthew swam closer. Alec moved to hold one of my hands while Matthew held the other.

"We're going to held you glide on the waves, alright?" Matthew said.

"Okay." I replied, clenching their hands and steadied myself.

Hey guys, it's Reina!
Sorry that this chapter wasn't my best. I thought I had it going good, but then I went to sleep. And them when I woke up in the morning all my thoughts and inspiration was gone and so I struggled with this one. I'm not really sure how to end this story off, either. I'm sure that I'll make more than 20 chapters though, so don't be worried.
Maybe I'll edit this chapter later when I have better inspiration, or maybe I'll just delete this chapter if it's too bad after I re-read it.
Thanks for baring though this chapter!

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung💋

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