Chapter 10 | The Carnival

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Chapter 10: The Carnival

The hot guy up there 👆🏻 is Matthew Lachow, AKA Francisco Lachowski. I posted this pic of him because he will be starring as the main character in my next book, Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Food Me Twice, Shame On Me. Please look forward to it! 😄

"Brianna, get up. We've already arrived," I heard someone whisper. "Come on Bri, hurry up and wake up. We're at that special place I was planning to take you to."

I blinked a couple times and yawned. "I'm up, I'm up. Where are we?" I asked. Alec smiled and lifted me up, bridal style. I didn't scream or kick around, I mean, I'd just gotten up from sleep.

"We're at the carnival." Alec said. "Everyone went ahead of us and left me here to deal with you."

"Oh, I feel so loved." I rolled my eyes, but the corners of my mouth tipped up. "I do lov—really like you." He replied. My eyes went wide and my mouth hanged open. I probably looked really dumb, but I didn't care. He almost said that he loved me! I couldn't help but grin widely at the thought. He blushed a little but hided it with a smirk—wait, he blushed?! The bad boy Alex Bolton actually blushed. I giggled.

"Come on, everyone's waiting." I said. "Go." I pointed to where I could see a group of teens talking and laughing. Alec carried me to them.

"You're awake now, Sleeping Beauty." Ryan wiggled his eyebrows. Alec growled and refused to put me down. "Relax dude, I just called her a princess."

"She's my Princess." Alec growled and finally let me stand on my own.

"Come on everyone, let's go!" I lead all my friends and my boyfriend away from the parking lot and dragged them into the carnival.

It was huge, and everywhere you looked you could see lights, people, booths, and rides. I started getting excited. Ellen squealed and all the guys held their hands up to their ears. I laughed and said, "Hey guys, Ellen's squeal can make a person dead so you better watch out." Alec chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"What do you want to do first, babe?" He inquired, motioning his hand at all the rides and booths. I talked to Ellen and we decided on the roller coaster. The scariest one, called the Monster's Dungeon. We stepped into the line of people. Fortunately, we came early in the morning so not many people were here yet, and the line was still pretty short.

"Do we really have to get on this thing?" Jake whined once we were the first few people in the front of the line. "Yes. It'll be fun, come on! Live a little." Ellen responded. Jake whimpered like a puppy. I smirked.

"Are you scared?" I taunted him playfully. He shook his head, eyes widened. I laughed along with Ellen.

"Oh come on, you don't have to be embarrassed. I'll sit with you." She told him. Jake looked embarrassed but happy.

"Next two!" The man running the roller coaster said. Alec intertwined our hands together and stepped up. "That'll be us." He smiled down at me, a genuine smile, which made me smile back. The man ushered us onto the pink and yellow, roller-coaster. We sat side-by-side, with me clutching Alec's hand tightly.

"You scared?" He asked, and I nodded slowly. "Kind of... But I've always loved roller coasters, so I'm not that scared." I replied. This was the first huge roller coaster I'd ever rode on.

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