Chapter 22 | Brandon LaFrancé

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Chapter 22: Brandon LaFrancé

Ellen and I walked in the party like a boss, and some people stopped and stared at us. I never knew that a good makeover could change you so much.

"Heeey girlllssss." Rhett came out and slurred, already drunk.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Have fun! There's drinks overrr there?" He said, more like asking.

"Alright, thanks. We'll get going." Ellen told him and pushed us away from him. "Let's go partay!"

I walked over to the drinks and picked out water, since I didn't really want to drink. When I looked back, Ellen was gone. I spotted her among lots and lots of sweaty bodies on the dance floor. I made a face when a guy, who I realized was Jake, pushed up against her from behind. But she wasn't drunk, and she wasn't resisting, so I let them be. After a few sips I got bored, and started to drum my fingers on the counter.

"Bored, m'lady?" A man asked from behind me with a British accent. I looked back and saw the most adorable guy. He had messy blonde hair and cute blue eyes. His pink lips were curved into a smile, and he sat down next to me.

"Yeah, I came with a friend, but she went somewhere with her boyfriend." I told him.

"Well, a beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't be left alone. Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

I thought for a moment, wether I should say yes or no. Technically Alec was still my boyfriend, since I hadn't said 'we're over' yet. I pushed the thought away and shook my head. "Nah, I don't have one. I'm a single pringle, ready to mingle." I replied enthusiastically. He laughed.

"What's your name, may I ask?"

"I'm Brianna. Brianna Kerri. What's yours?"

"I'm Brandon LaFrancé."

"Wow. What a fancy name."

"Yours is a beautiful one. Just like you. Nice to meet you, Brianna."

"Nice to meet you too." I grinned.

"Would you like to go dance?" He motioned towards one part of the dance floor which was for couples that would prefer not to grind against each other in public.

"Yes." I giggled as he took my hand and led me to the floor. Lights shone down on us, and he stared into my eyes while beginning to sway us back and forth gently. I stared back as a soft smile spread across my face. Maybe the reason God had made Alec think I was cheating on him, was so that we could break up and I could find Brandon. He was perfect, and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. They were just a little less jittery than the ones I had for Alec, but I thought that was probably because I'd just met him.

"Perfect," he whispered. "You're perfect."

I smiled and started to lean in. He leaned in as well, and the movement of our dancing feet stopped. I closed my eyes when I felt the sensation of warm, soft lips against mine. He started to kiss me gently and with care. It was the same sensation that Alec had given me—but a little different at the same time. When we broke away, my breath was short.

I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, and I could see that Brandon's amazing eyes creased as he looked at the person behind me. I whipped around to get a look, and gasped. It was Alec. He seemed out of breath, and he had a serious face unlike his usual happy self. He also seemed broken, but not as much as I was. "Alec, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Pardon, who are you?" Brandon asked in a kind of nasty tone.

"Who are you?" Alec asked back, stepping closer to me. I could feel his body heat on my back, and my heart was pounding.

"I am Brandon Charles Lucifer Robert LaFrancé. The third." Brandon replied with his chest puffed.

"Well, I'm Alec, her boyfriend. So I think you should keep your hands off of her." Alec demanded, starting to pull me.

Brandon fake laughed. "Boyfriend? She said she doesn't have a boyfriend. I guess if someone had a boyfriend like you, they wouldn't want to tell anyone." He pulled me closer. I was stuck between two people. Two boys at that.

"Just shut the f*ck up and don't. F*cking. Touch her."

"Oh, no worries. I've already touched her enough. We've already kissed, isn't that right Brianna?" Brandon smirked at Alec and looked down at me.

"You—you kissed her?" Alec looked from my face, to Brandon, my face, Brandon's. His questioning gaze finally landed on me, and I slowly nodded.

'Why do you even care. Out of all people, you should just keep out of this.' That's what I wanted to shout to Alec. 'That's what you deserve for breaking my heart!'

My thoughts were interrupted when Alec threw the first punch. Brandon got a straight blow to the nose, which sent him bounding down to the floor. Brandon cupped his bloody nose and looked up at Alec, his eyes looking surprised. Suddenly Brandon's nice, warm eyes were gone. In their place were cold eyes with an evil glint. He stood up slowly and landed a punch on Alec's cheek.

Alec staggered back but didn't fall. A crowd had started forming around the two of them, and I was getting pushed away with the flow of people.

Regaining my composure, I pushed between the people and got to the front. By now, Alec had a bruise on his left eye, a busted lip, and bloody nose. But Brandon was much worse, he had a broken bloody nose, bruises on not only both of his eyes, but also all over his face, and a cut on his cheek that splashed blood.

They still kept on going, punching and kicking each other. "Stop, stop! Stop!" I yelled at the two of them, but no one listened. Everyone around them seemed to be rooting them on, while some people just stood around looking.

A loud gasp was heard from the crowd when Alec got in a kick to Brandon's nuts. I cringed, and Brandon crouched down on the floor, obviously in much pain. He dug around in his pocket, and brought out a knife. Another round of gasps were heard, mine included.

"No, I'm serious, stop! Guys, just f*cking cut it out!" I shouted. Brandon hopped back on his feet, and ran straight towards Alec with the knife. "NO!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

This time everyone heard me, and looked over to see who was the annoying girl that had stopped the amazing fight. Even Brandon stopped for a milli-second to look over, but a milli-second was all Alec needed to kick the knife out of Brandon's hand. It landed somewhere in the crowd, but fortunately no one got hurt by it.

"That was unfair, man." Alec grunted while throwing his fist at Brandon multiple times in a row, not giving him a chance to fight back. Brandon finally gave up, and said, "I'm sorry bro. I didn't know she meant that much to you. Just, she seemed really sad. I don't know what you did to her but don't do it ever again." Those few sentences reached my heart deeply, because I didn't know that Brandon thought of things like that even though I'd only met him.

I looked over at Alec, who was smiling in pride that he had won. He glanced over at me, and caught me staring. I looked away in a snap, but Alec lifted my face to look into his eyes.

"Brianna, there are so many things I want to say to you. Being sorry is one of them, and this is something I've wanted to do." He smashed his lips onto mine, then moved them rhythmically.

I smiled as a teardrop rolled down my cheek. As we teared apart, Alec whispered, "I love you."

"I love you." I replied.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hey guys, it's Reina!

I'm so so so sorry for uploading SO late! To think of it, I haven't uploaded on this story since summer ended, and it's been maybe 1 or 2 months since that! I'll try to upload a little more, but please check out my new story that I've started called Mr. CEO, if really appreciate it!

❤️You guys are very much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung💋

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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