Chapter 16 Matchmaker (Part 2)

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Chapter 16: Matchmaker (Part 2)

❤️Brianna and Alec's Night❤️

(BTW it's Brianna's POV if you're wondering. But as you guys probably know, if it doesn't say anyone's name for the POV, it's Brianna's since she's the main character.)

I held my laugh in as Alec and I walked away from the two 'future lovers'. When we were out of the restaurant we exploded into a fit of giggles.

"They're probably really confused right now." I said.

"Yeah, but I just hope they aren't mad at us for ditching them... Even though it is for them." Alec replied.

I nodded. "But where are we going to go? I mean, don't think I didn't notice that you didn't buy a new tux. Your mom told me that you bought a new tux and was doing something really secretive."

"My mom told you that?!" He face-palmed. I laughed.

"Yup, so. Where are we going?"

"It's a secret, but yes I do have a special night planned out for us." He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. Once we were both inside and situated, he started driving to who-knows-where.

After a couple minutes, we started driving on a road I recognized. "Isn't this... The way to the forest you took us to a while ago? The one where we had our first kiss?" I asked.

Alec scratched his neck while driving with his other hand. "Well, yeah. Maybe."

We soon arrived. I looked around and smelled the amazing, fresh smell that forests tend to have.

"Close your eyes." Alec suddenly ordered.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Just close them. I'll lead you to where we're going, okay?"

I slowly nodded in agreement and my eyelids fluttered closed. Alec took my hand and started to lead me into the deep forest.

I kept on tripping on the branches on the ground, but Alec was always there to steady me. "We're here." He whispered in my ear after a while of walking, tripping, and whining.

I opened my eyes again. In front of me was the exact same place Alec and I had had our first kiss together. I smiled, remembering the sweet and simple kiss we shared on the log over the river. He also asked me to be his girlfriend, and his dad got into a car crash which just seemed to bring us closer.

My eyes shifted to the side of the creek, where lush green grass was growing. I gasped as I realized what was on the grass. There was a red, white, and black plaid pattern picnic blanket with several big baskets set on it. A blue cooler sat on the very edge of the blanket. In the middle of the blanket was a big vase full of beautiful pink, purple, and white flowers.

I squealed in delight. "Alec—you did this for me?!"

"Surprise, Princess. Anything for you." He came up behind me and carried me bridal style to the blanket, then set me down.

I excitedly opened the baskets and peered inside to find lots of sandwiches, fruits, desserts, drinks, etc. It was amazing.

Alec sat down beside me, and we started to feast.

"Alec, thank you. This means so much to me, and it's probably the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me." I said between munches.

"You're welcome Flower. I love you." He kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too." I soon went back to eating.

"You know, we should make a name for this forest." Alec suddenly said.

"Yeah. How about... The Star Creek Forest?" I asked.

"That's good. Star Creek it is." We decided.

A while later, the food was gone. We laid on our backs and stared up at the stars. "They're beautiful." I sighed.

"Yes, yes you are." He said staring at me.

I blushed. "Thanks." I pecked him on the lips. He tangled our hands together and closed his eyes. I closed mine too and just laid there.

Just me and Alec—laying together under the shining moon and bright stars. It was absolutely perfect. And I loved every second of it.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

If you guys want a story about how Brianna got her little cast thing off, and got off her wheelchair, then here ya go. This would be a few days before Ellen and Jake's date.

My leg was healing way better then expected. The doctors even said that I could get it off soon.

One day, I felt a sudden blast of energy flow through my leg. I tried to stand up, and I could. Immediately I called Alec to help me get to the hospital. He came over in a flash.

"So it doesn't hurt, at all?" Dr. Drake asked.

"Nope." I replied, popping the 'P'.

"Alright, good. We're going to scan your leg, and maybe we'll be able to get it off today or tomorrow. Let's see. Please follow me." He told me and led me to a room with a big, white machine. I was placed on the machine with my injured leg inside. I was soon helped out of the machine, and Dr. Drake told me to wait in a chair while he went to get the results.

I was so excited to see if I could finally move my leg again. Alec was as happy as I was.

Dr. Drake soon came running back. He had a huge smile on his face. "I have some good news! Your leg healed, and we can get your cast off! No more wheelchair, no more crutches, your leg will finally be free and out in the open."

I squealed and hugged Alec. "Can you get it off right now?"

"Of course. Nurses, please come in. Brianna, lay down on that bed. Let's start." Nurses came in the room as if on cue, and I climbed onto the bed and laid down. Alec sat on the side of the bed.

Dr. Drake and the nurses took off the hard shell cover of the cast and started to gently peel off the cloth. My leg looked skinnier and skinnier until the cast was fully off. I rubbed the skin and twisted my feet to make circle shapes.

Ah. It felt so good after some time. Dr. Drake told me to do some of leg exercises before going back home.

"Remember, don't put too much pressure on your foot, and limit the jumping, running, bending, etc. Be careful!" Dr. Drake warned me before actually letting me go.

"Thank you! See you soon!" I said and smiled as I looked down at my leg. It was finally free.

Hey guys, it's Reina!
I'm so so so sorry that this chapter was shorter than the other chapters, but I think this chapter is just a fill-in chapter, kind of like to show you guys what Brianna and Alec was doing while Ellen and Jake was having their oh-so-romantic night. And plus, the extra story about Brianna getting her cast off kind of made up for it—right? [I hope.] 😂😄C U guys l8er!

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❤️You guys are much appreciated❤️

—Reina Jung💋

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