Chapter 6 | Dinner with a Side Of Secrets

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Chapter 6: Dinner with a Side Of Secrets

<6:00 PM>

A woman lead Alec and I to our tables, and I made sure Alec took a seat first, and I sat in front of him.

"So... You look beautiful tonight." Alec compliments me, and I blushed but put my hand over my heart and said,  "*Gasp!* I'm not beautiful every day?!" Like those overreacting girls on TV and stuff. I laughed. "JKJK." I said, also adding a "thank you".

"Well, you are beautiful everyday, it's just that I love how much you're showing today." He replied. I looked down at myself. I was wearing a little black dress that was about mid-thigh length, and sphagetti straps. It had black jewels embroiled just underneath my chest. My shoes were some black pumps I grabbed from my closet at the last second. But I thought it looked pretty good with my dress. My makeup was more than usual, but not overdone. It was mascara, eyeliner, red lipstick, lipgloss, blush, and concealer. It wasn't covering my WHOLE face like the most snobby and popular girls in my school are, but it was enough to make Alec say that I looked beautiful and look at me like a love struck dumbo. I giggled a bit as I thought about this, and Alec looked at me like I had just turned into a pooping frog. Okay, that was a bit disturbing thought. Sorry, my readers. Hope you won't get nightmares about pooping frogs tonight. He was probably wondering why I was giggling out of nowhere.

A little after we ordered, Ellen and a guy walked in.

"Brianna! You look beautiful." Ellen said, hugging me. "You too!" I replied. Ellen was wearing a red dress that looked like my dress, except in a knee-length version. Her pumps were black and looked like mine. The boy that was walking beside her looked to be about my age, maybe 16 years old or so, and he was hot. Not as hot as Alec, but still hot. He resembled Zac Effron a bit.

"Hey Ellen, who's he?" I asked her quietly in a whisper. "He's my ex-boyfriend. But we started off as friends, we dated, then we figured we'd be better off as friends so we went back to being buds. We're not on complicated terms or anything just cause we broke up. Don't worry." She explained. I nodded to her as she sat down next to Alec, and the guy took a seat next to me.

"Who?..." Alec asked.

"Oh, remember how I told you two other people were coming? Ellen and her friend." I told him. He nodded and took a long stare at the guy.

"Hello, I'm Nathan. I'm 16 years old, and you're 15, correct?" He asked. I nodded. "I'm Brianna Kerri, nice to meet you." I replied as he broke into smiles. "Nice to meet you too." He said, adding in a whisper, "You're hotter than I expected. Pretending to like you will be easy, I think I already like you." I blushed at his comment, bowing a little instead of saying thank you. I saw from the corner of my eye Alec frowning, and Ellen smirking.

"Soooo... What are you guys ordering?" Alec asked slowly and loudly enough for everyone at our table to hear. Probably trying to make me look somewhere else than Nathan's face. Nathan looked at him, then Ellen raised an eyebrow.

"Well what did you get Brianna?" He asked me. "I...uhh...I got a Tamago Roll, Natto Roll, Dragon Roll, and Shrimp, one order of each." I replied. "Ok, I'll get the same thing except two orders of each please." Nathan told Alec. Alec glared a little bit but nodded and told the waiter Nathan and Ellen's order.

"I'm gonna use the lady's room." I said, excusing myself from the table after a bit of shifting uncomfortably under Alec's piercing gaze. Ellen nodded and followed me.

"What's wrong?" She asked once we were out the guys' sight. I sighed. "Alec keeps on glaring at Nathan, then me. It gets kind of uncomfortable. And the way Nathan flirts is so...nerve-racking, especially with Alec watching." I explained. Ellen sighed, but understandingly.

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