Chapter 8 | Worried

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Chapter 8: Worried

"Alec Bolton?" A nurse called out.

"Here! I'm Alec." Alec got up quickly and followed the nurse.

"Your father went through three hours of surgery. It wasn't very bad, and he was okay. He was just resting, but he woke up and heard us talking about you coming to see him. He asked us if he could see you." She told him. Alec nodded and quickened his pace. I sighed and slumped into my seat, covering my eyes with my arm. It was really stressing to see Alec like this. Normally I only saw him arrogant but nice and caring, with a huge ego. But from the time he heard his dad was in surgery, he leaned onto his knees, burying his head in his hands. I tried to comfort him but he didn't really talk, just breathed really heard and leaned his head on my neck.

After about thirty minutes Alec came back looking a little more refreshed. "Was he okay?" I asked and Alec nodded, his face lighted up. I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you... For staying with me and comforting me."

"You're welcome." I pecked his lips then lead him to sit on the chairs. He patted his lap so I went and sat on it. "Are you okay now?"

"Yes, thanks to you. But we should be heading home now." I took a look at my phone and sure enough, it was already 10.

"I should call Mom and tell her." I said, typing in her number. "Hello? Mom, it's me...Sorry...Is Chris already asleep? Okay, good...Alec's Dad got into a car accident and went through three hours of surgery...yeah, I think he's okay. Mhm, I will...Really? Thank you Mom!...I won't, I promise...Alright, so I'll be home by 10 AM...Relax, tomorrow's Sunday...Oh, and BTW Alec asked me out and we're dating now...What?! No...Mooom...Ok...Thank you, Mom. Bye...I love you too." I hung up and snuggled into Alec's chest.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. She said I could stay over at your house, since you probably need he support. And that way, we can tell your mom that we're dating." I told him which made him smirk.

"You're spending the night with me?" He pulled me close, breathing in my smell.

"Yes, but she said I better not come home tomorrow pregnant." I said and he chuckled. "I promised her I won't be."


"Yes?" Mary tapped her foot impatiently. Alec had been trying to explain to her that we were dating for about 5 minutes now.

Ok, so maybe he was the one in fault for dragging it out that long. I guess I'll just get to the point and tell her for Alec and her sake.

" see... At the hospital...uh, Brianna told me...she likes brownies? No, no. That's not what I was going to tell you. Ugh!" Alec growled.

"Ok. So I'll just get to the point. At the hospital Alec asked me if I would be his girlfriend. And I said yes, so now we're dating." I stated, surprised that it came out easily.

"Really?!" Mary asked excitedly. Alec and I nodded, waiting for her to say something about it. "I knew it! I knew you guys were going to be together soon! I was always shipping you guys. Aleanna or Brilec!" She exclaimed. Alec face-palmed himself while I laughed.

"Mom! You're not aloud to ship people!" He groaned.

"It's okay, Alec. It's cute and my mom also said the same thing once." I giggled. Alec smiled down at me and interlocked our hands.

"Aww. How cute." Mary cooed while I blushed like a red tomato. "Thanks," I replied shyly.

"Oh Mom, she's staying the night for me. She called her mom and her mom's the one who came up with the idea." Alec told Mary.

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