Chapter 13 | Finally Getting It Out

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Chapter 13: Finally Getting It Out

{A Week Later}

I finally got out of the hell hole. The nurse signed me out, and Alec was behind me. Ellen and the guys were at my house. "Yay! I'm finally out! I'm free!" I jumped up and down on my wheelchair. Alec chuckled.

"Now, now. Don't go jumping around. You'll damage your bones all over again. The doctors just let you early, even though you're not fully healed yet because we begged then and promised you wouldn't do anything dangerous." I nodded and drummed my fingers on the wheelchair's armrests. He pushed me out of the hospital and put me in his car. My wheelchair got put in the trunk.

"You need to tell me who the man was," Alec said once we were settled down and started driving. "Before we get to the house, if you don't want to tell everyone else." He added.

"Ok." I sighed and got ready. "It...was Mark. I don't know how he found me, but when I was in the restaurant waiting for my food, he dragged me outside. Of course, I tried to fight back, but it was no use," I explained. "And then... He kissed me." Alec stiffened beside me. "I didn't kiss him back though! I tried to push him away." I reassured him. He nodded grimly. "And then when he put his tongue inside my mouth—"

"He put his TONGUE INSIDE YOUR MOUTH?!" Alec exclaimed, his breathing becoming ragged.

"Calm down, Alec." I put a hand on his shoulder, and he softened under my touch. "I bit on his tongue, and then pushed him off of me and ran." Alec started to smirk and reached for my hand. "And then there was this big street I had to cross, where there were cars. But since Mark was getting close, I took the risk and ran though. And what do you know, I made it through!" Alec was smirking by now and rubbed circles on my hand. "But happiness doesn't last forever, and Mark made it across too. He tackled me and stabbed me. Multiple times. Then I blacked out." I frowned. The circles ended and he was now squeezing my hand, as if it would disappear.

When I looked over at him, he was fuming. I could tell by the way his eyes were bloodshot, a vein stuck out, and his fists were clutching the steering wheel and my hand. "Alec," I said. He looked over at me.

"I'm fucking pissed at Mark. He's just a shitty excuse of a man." He spitted out. "Next time I see him, I will literally beat the shit out of him."

I smiled and untangled my hand from his hand, then put it on his cheek. "Thank you, Alec. I really really love you."

Alec's eyes widened. He let out a little gasp, and he didn't look angry anymore. "Wha—you, you, l-love me?!" I smirked.

"Yes I do. But... You did say it first. I was actually partially awake when you told me that, but for some reason I couldn't make myself open my eyes or squeeze your hand back." I told him. He blushed (which was really cute) and clamped his free hand over my hand that was on his cheek.


"I'm home!" I shouted.

"Welcome back!" I heard some voices chorus from the living room. Alec quickly wheeled me in there and I saw all my friends.

"Ellen!" I said and went to hug (ish, since I'm in a wheelchair) her.

"Are we invisible or something?" Matthew asked laughing. I giggled and went to hug all of the other boys too.

"We're glad you're back." Ryan told me and helped me off my wheel chair, sitting me down on the sofa next to him.

The movie Pretty Little Liars was on.

"Let me guess... Ellen picked this?" I asked.

"Yup," Jake popped the p. "But it's pretty interesting." I nodded.

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