Chapter 2 | The Girl

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Chapter 2: The Girl

Alec's POV

I stood in front of her house. Taking out the name tag, I checked to see that this was house. Yup. I took my phone out from my pocket and dialed her phone number. It rang a few times, then I heard her voice.

"He-hello?" She had a very nice and soft voice, and I could almost tell she was beautiful. And...her voice was shaking. A lot.

"Hey," I replied.

"Who are you? How do you know my phone number?" She asked. I grinned. "My name is Alec Bolton. I got your number cause, uh... You dropped a name tag-ish thing in front of my house, and I just picked it up." I answered nonchalantly.

Alright, this is the chance. I reached out and rang the doorbell. The bell was nice and loud, I could hear it from outside her house.

"Uh, wait a second. I have a guest." The girl told me, and I could hear a set of light feet coming to open the door. Soon enough, the door opened and a girl about the same age as me stood before my eyes. She had brown and long wavy hair surrounding her face, and her blue eyes sparkled in the bright sunlight filtering in from the doorway I was standing in. Her full pink lips twitched into a big smile, in which they revealed bright, white, and very straight teeth. Her slightly-dimpled cheeks were very cute. Next off, her body. Oh the curviness and sexiness. If I could choose the career she'd have, it would be a model. She was absolutely perfect and adorable. Beautiful, too. Her little toes and fingernails were white and shiny. When I looked back up at her face, she was smiling back at me.

"Hi!" She chirped, too loud for her liking. She immediately blushed which I found cute. I smirked, and invited myself in. Her house was very cozy and small, or normal if I should say. Not bragging, but my family is pretty rich, so when it comes to houses they're big and beautiful, but let's just say it doesn't seem very cozy. I looked around for a little while before seating myself on the big, fluffy couch. I picked up the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and started munching while turning on the TV and switching it to a football game with my free hand. I remembered that I still had her name tag, so I got up and handed her the little piece of paper in the plastic. I told her to give me her phone (which she did). I added my number to her contacts before giving it back to her.

"All done." I said.


Hey guys, it's Mir.
Sorry for the short chapter, but I just wanted to show you peeps what Alec thought about Brianna, and what he felt.

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