Chapter One

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"So Adam here we are again are you ready to talk?" he asked. My gaze moved from the cold metal table my bare arms were resting on to the smartly dressed officer watching me intently with burning eyes. "I don't know what you want me to say? I don't know anything about what happened ive told you this!" I cried hitting my fists on the table as things rattled. Ive been stuck in here for 8 hours already, im tired and hungry and I just want to go home but this guy just wont quit.

"Calm down, why don't you start at the beginning" he told me. "Ive told you so many times just let me go home please!" I exclaimed. "No can do, one way or another you will talk I can sit here all night if I have to" he answered. He was so damn arrogant I just wanted to punch him, my gaze fell to the mirror as I sighed knowing there were people standing out there just watching and waiting.

They all think that it was me, they think im crazy. "So are you going to talk or not?" he asked again his hands rested under his chin with a smirk on his face. "About what?" I answered, "lets start with how you and mr Ratliff met shall we" he said picking up his pen. "Why do you want to know?" I asked, "lets say background information shall we. Just as a record" he answered. I scoffed "clearly you don't know what love is. Its more than background knowledge" I snapped. "Just talk, I want all the details" he answered, I leant back in the chair and crossed my arms.


"That guy over there is hot" my friend Ashley said pointing to the pretty blonde standing alone by the bar. "He is but I doubt hes gay Ashley" I responded seeing him surrounded by girls. "Go speak to him" she answered shoving me forward so I stumbled into him. "Im sorry my friend she pushed me" I said quickly, damn awkward much I thought as he stared at me like some kind of crazy person. I turned to leave as I hid my embarrassment under my fringe, a hand grabbed my wrist.

"You don't need to go" he answered as I spun to face him, in the dim light I could see his eyes were chocolate coloured. "Ok" I answered, "im tommy by the way" the blonde told me. "Im adam" I answered as he smiled and I blushed. "That's kinda cute" he replied his gaze burning into me, I swallowed. "Do you want to dance?" I asked, he nodded as we weaved our way through the crowd of sweaty bodies.

I watched as he swayed his hips to the music, all his little hair flips. He was cute as hell, but I didn't know for certain if he was gay or not. I glanced at Ashley who made a kissing face at me as I blushed and looked away, "what?" tommy asked. "My friend" I answered as his eyes followed my gaze to Ashley, "interesting" he replied. His hands draped over my shoulders, I looked into those brown eyes. I wanted to kiss him but I couldn't, he smirked as his lips met mine.

His tongue ran over my parted lips asking for entrance as I let him. His tongue explored my mouth his fingers tangling in my hair, when we finally broke the kiss he smiled. "Maybe we should go back to mine" he said taking my hand and pulling me towards the door. We got to his apartment as he unlocked the door, he pushed me against it his lips on mine as his hands pushed my jacket from my shoulders. He pulled away, "lets go upstairs" he said pulling me up the steps...

"Ok too much information" a voice said cutting through my mind.

~end of flashback~

"Well officer I thought you wanted every detail?" I answered narrowing my eyes at him. "Not that much detail thank you very much" he answered. "Aw im sorry am I making you uncomfortable, am I making all of you uncomfortable!" I shouted banging on the glass. "Mr lambert calm down!" he said, "No I wont youre keeping me here for nothing! Digging into all my memories, precious memories of my boyfriend because you all think im guilty. Just admit it you all think I killed my own boyfriend, that's why youre keeping me here! I didn't do it, I loved him more than anything in the whole world!" I said hysterically.

I sank to the floor tears streaming down my face as noisy sobs wracked through my body, "I loved him and now hes gone" I whispered through my tears. "Ok I think we should take a break" he said pressing a button on the recorder. A couple of officers came in, "take mr lambert down to the cells" he instructed. The two burly prison guards  each grabbed an arm as they pulled me up and cuffed my wrists. I didn't even put up a fight as they led me down the stairs and put me into a cell.

The door slammed shut noisily behind me, the sound echoing through the empty station. I shivered as I crossed the room and sat on the bunk, I pulled my knees to my chin as I sobbed into my arms. I was cold and alone locked in a cell for something I haven't done. "Oh tommy" I whispered as I laid down wrapping my arms around myself succumbing to the pain I felt inside.

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