Chapter Nine

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I awoke to banging on the front door, I winced as I opened my eyes. My head was throbbing and my stomach doing somersaults, I never felt this bad when I used to drink. Ashley looked up from the chair, "the door" I said hoarsely. I slid out of bed as the room span round me, my hand gripped the bed frame for support. I blinked as I made my way slowly across the room, "do you want me to get it?" she asked as I closed my eyes momentarily. "Yes" I replied as I heard her move from the chair and run down the stairs, I heard ashleys raised voice telling someone to get lost but with more expletives.

I reached the top of the stairs clinging to the wall to steady myself, a police officer and the sergeant were standing on the doorstep. I walked down the steps slowly, "ahhh mr lambert pleasure to see you again" the sergeant said. "Im sorry adam they wouldn't get lost, I told them you weren't well" Ashley told me. "Its fine, show them into the front room i'll join them in a minute" I told her. I made my way into the kitchen, my stomach flipped as I lent over the sink. I had nothing to throw up but acid that burnt my throat.

I groaned quietly and ran the cold tap, I found a glass and filled it with water. I sipped it as I rummaged into the cupboard, I swallowed two advil to stop my head pounding. Ashley walked in, "they are getting pissed off" she told me. "Your white as a ghost" she said, "maybe that because I feel like shit" I told her. "You left the tap running" she told me turning it off, "I know" I replied. "Were you sick?" she asked as I crossed the room, "a little" I replied as I went to brush my teeth. I went into the front room closing the blind so the sunlight didn't shine in my face.

"Youre a little worse for wear adam I can barely hear you" the sergeant told me as Ashley sat next to me. "Ashley told you I was unwell. What do you expect me to look like? Fresh faced and happy, when ive been up all night trying to not throw up" I retorted. "Sorry to hear that adam" he told me, "what exactly do you want?" I said my voice barely a whisper as I placed my fingertips on my temples. "We spoke to Félix, hes tommys stepdad by the way. He said tommy was meant to come and see him on the 14th but never arrived. We thought you would like to know" he told me.

"Thanks now are we done?" I asked, "where were you the day tommy died?" he questioned. "Here at home, he wasn't here when I woke up" I told him. "Can anyone second that story?" he asked, "well obviously not Its only me and tommy who live here" I snapped. "So we only have your word?" he asked, "yes because I was the only one here why don't you see felix as a suspect or even his mother shes fucking crazy. She attacked him, im sure she could kill him if she wanted to" I commented.

"Do you own a gun mr lambert?" he asked, "oh yeah I have a whole museum of them!" I said sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Oh really" he replied, "no of course I don't own a damn gun I hate them" I cried getting worked up. I closed my eyes as a sharp pain shot across my forehead, I opened them and looked at him. "Look search the apartment if you don't believe me, please feel free" I said pinning him in my gaze.

"We might just do that" he answered, "go for it when you find nothing you can leave ok thanks" I snapped as they stood. For the next hour they searched the house for stuff, of course they found nothing. I didn't help them, I stayed on the sofa wanting the serious migraine to go away. Ashley was cooking bacon in the kitchen, the smell wafted to my nose as I swallowed past the lump in my throat and pulled my scarf up round my nose.

"Ok well that's all for now" the officer said, "cool bye you know where the door is. Don't let it hit yall in the arse when you leave, I do look forward to our next meeting toodle ooh" I said slamming the door shut behind them as I placed my forehead against the cool wood and sighed. Ashley came out of the kitchen with 2 plates, "hey are they gone?" she asked. "Yes" I answered, I followed her into the front room as she handed me a plate. "Eat, its only a small amount" she told me, "do I have to?" I asked.

"Nope but i'd feel better if you did. Even if its only a few bites its better than nothing" she told me. I managed to eat both halves of  the sandwich even though I was fighting my body with every mouthful. I pushed the plate away as she smiled, "that's better" she told me. She picked up the plates and left the room, I turned on the TV and laid back against the cushions. The sick feeling in my stomach turned to a dull ache, I haven't eaten properly in days and the sudden food intake made it hurt a little.

Ashley came back in and sat next to me, I yawned the lack of sleep catching up on me. "You can sleep adam, no one is here, no calls, letter or noises" she told me. I laid my head on my hands that were placed on the arm of the chair and yawned, my legs curled round the pillow I was holding on my stomach as my eyes grew heavy and I slowly started to fall asleep the loudness of the TV becoming a distant noise.

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