Chapter Six

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"Adam hey wake up" a voice said, the soft features, brown eyes and blonde hair morphed into blue hair and dark eyes with sharper features. "Tommy" I whispered still half asleep, "adam its Ashley wake up" the voice said shaking me gently. The face came more into focus as I rubbed my eyes as blinked looking up at Ashley, "tommy" I said. "It was just a dream adam but the police are here" she told me, "tell them to go away" I answered rolling over. "I told them you were asleep they insisted I woke you up, the sooner they ask you their questions the sooner they can get lost and go and find whoever did this" she told me.

I sighed as I looked up at the ceiling, "urgh fine" I replied sliding from the bed and pulling some tracksuit bottoms on. I slowly made my way downstairs and into the kitchen, "ah adam we meet again how sublime" the sergeant said. "What do you want this time? Though of more pointless questions for me did you" I asked sitting opposite them as Ashley sat next to me. The sergeant looked at her "shes staying if you don't like it you can just go" I retorted stubbornly. "Fine lets get to it shall we. We want to know about tommys relationship with his parents" he told me.

"Theres not much to tell, he doesn't get along with his mother. She doesn't like the fact he was gay, she has some mental issues I think. As for his dad, Well your guess is as good as mine. He left when tommy was a teenager. Tommy hadn't seen or heard from him in years, he knows someone called Félix. I don't know who he is, but tommys met him before and they are always talking. Maybe you should be finding him not pestering me" I explained as he wrote it all down. "And do you know where this Félix and his mother live?" he asked, "somewhere in Burbank I don't know where we never went there" I replied calmly.

"Ok thank you for that, now lets go back to you and tommys many disagreements. Particularly the one about this felix on the 1st July 2016" he asked. I swallowed, that was 13 days before he died. All we seemed to have done those last few weeks was argue, this was one of the worst ones yet when tommy was hospitalised again.


"Why are you checking my phone?" Tommy shouted his face contorted with anger his eyes burning, "because it keeps ringing with felix wanting you!" I shouted back. "You had no right to go through my stuff!" he yelled back pushing me away from him. "Well who is he? Huh? A boyfriend, am I not enough for you? That you need to have someone else on the side?!" I yelled back as he scoffed and walked away. "Thats none of your business, if I want someone else I would have them! I cant believe you think I could do that to you, to us!" he snapped narrowing his eyes at me.

"It wouldn't be the first time! Remember Sam? You cheated on me with him!" I retorted. "We were on a break adam, you always bring him into every argument we have!" he said. "Because youre lying to me again you just cant help it" I told him. "How dare you! How dare you accuse me of those things, you make me out to be some kind of whore!" he replied clenching his fists at his sides. "That's because you are!" I snapped, "wow thanks. Its good to know what you really think of me" he answered walking away.

I regretted saying it almost as soon as It came out of my mouth as I grabbed his hand, he turned his hand connecting with my face as a loud slap resounded round the room. "Don't touch me" he hissed pulling his hand from mine, My hand flew to my burning cheek as he went upstairs. The slam of the bedroom door echoed round the house bouncing off the walls, I pulled on my jacket and caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror. The right hand side of my face was bright red and hot to the touch, I sighed and left the apartment slamming the door behind me.

My phone trilled in my pocket, a text from Ashley asking if I wanted to meet for coffee. I said yes and headed to starbucks, we ordered and sat down as I pulled my hood down as Ashley gasped. "What happened to your face?" she asked. "Me and tommy had a big bust up, over some guy called Félix he slapped me because I called him a whore" I informed her. My phone trilled, it was text from tommy. "Im going bye" was all it said, I tried to call him but it went straight to voicemail. "What Ashley said, "somethings wrong I need to get home" I told her standing.

She followed me "come on in my car it will be quicker" she said as we climbed in and she sped up the road. The car had barely stopped when I jumped out and ran up the steps to the apartment, I unlocked the door pushing it back with such force it hit the wall. "Tommy!" I called as I ran round the downstairs while Ashley checked upstairs. I got no reply, that's when I heard Ashley. "Adam ive found him call an ambulance" she called back as I dialled the all to familiar number.

I left the front door open and ran up the stairs 2 at a time, I skidded to a halt outside the bathroom door. Tommy laying on it still and barely breathing, there was so much blood. Ashley was tying towels round his arms to try and stop the bleeding as my gaze fell to the silver blade coated in blood. I picked it up with the tips of my fingers dropping it into the sink with a clatter. I heard sirens and voices as paramedics rushed in, that's when tommy was taken into the hospital. I thought he might die, the doctors said hed lost loads of blood.

Luckily he was ok, he stayed there for 3 days in total. Had to have stitches and everything, after that we sorted everything out. He knew I didn't mean to call him such horrible things, he apologised for slapping me and hurting himself. But he had changed, he was slowly becoming more distant and more down all the time.

~End of flashback~

"I never did find out who felix was, but I found out he met felix like 4 days before he died maybe you should be finding him. Are we done?" I asked. "For now" he answered shutting the notebook and standing, I watched them leave as I shut the door and leant against it as Ashley sighed quietly.

If I Could Turn Back TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora