Chapter Nineteen

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We came to a stop outside our new house, it was fairly reasonably sized. It had balconies and a pool with trees round it. "This is our house!" she said jumping from the car and squealing excitedly, I paid the driver and climbed out getting our bags from the car. "Unlock the door adam!" she said practically jumping up and down, I unlocked the door as she pushed it open. I went inside as she followed, I walked around with Ashley. "Imagine what this place is going to look like when everything is here" she mused.

I walked over to the doors that led into the garden, "wow" I breathed. "Its beautiful" Ashley said, the harbour stretched out before us. We picked rooms Ashley at the back overlooking the mountains and mine overlooking the harbour. A truck pulled up outside, "removal vans here" Ashley called. I ran down the stairs and let them in. For the next couple of hours the house was flurry of activity, removal men in and out. Furniture being shunted round rooms, my parents and friends all rushing in to welcome us. When It eventually got to midnight we couldn't wait to sleep.

3 weeks later...

I cant believe we've been here for 3 weeks already. Me and Ashley have settled into san diego life well, we both have jobs and a strong band of friends. We were walking down the street as we turned the corner, I got the feeling someone was watching me as out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of pink. Someone in a hooded jacket ran past taking ashleys bag, "hey!" she shouted. The guy took off at a sprint across the road diving in between the traffic.

"Come back theif! Ashley yelled as we took off running after him. We followed them through streets right to the edge of town and into the woods. I saw him dive in between the trees as I followed almost grabbing him but he only just got away. We tumbled out into a clearing, I picked up my phone and held it in the air. "I know youre still here give my friend her bag back and I wont call the cops" I shouted. I listened as a twig snapped, the hooded figure stepped onto the mound and pulled his hood down. The wind blew through his hair, the sunlight illuminating his brown eyes. "Tommy" I breathed.......

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