Chapter Thirteen

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I sighed as I collapsed into the chair, I closed my eyes feeling mentally and emotionally drained. It was 9 at night and tommys mother had only just left, I dragged my fingers through my hair. There was a knock on the front door, I stood and went to open it as I saw the police sergeant standing on the doorstep. I groaned, "what do you want?" I asked crossing my arms as cool wind whipped round me. "Ahh adam we just came to tell you that Tommy's body is ready to be released, the cause of death being a single shot through the chest" he explained.

"Well thanks for that information now is that all?" I questioned, "for now have a good evening adam" he said smirking as he went down the path. I shut the door behind me as I turned off the lights, I took my tablets and fell asleep.

The next day...

I heard the post as I rifled through them, bills. Bills, more bills. My eyes fell to the red envelope, my insides clenched knowing who it was from. I prized it open, "meet me at the goldsmith apartments at noon. Number 20 and i'll tell you everything, you'll have the proof you need that tommy isn't dead. Things are more complicated than you think." I shoved it into my jacket pocket as I set about tidying up  the house, I figured I should probably sort through tommys things.

I went up to our bedroom armed with boxes and bags, I went through the wardrobe as I laid tommys clothes on the bed. Most of these can go to a charity clothes drive, I put them in the charity pile. Pictures I put in the keep pile, I heard the door open and Ashley calling my name. "Up here" I called back from underneath the piles of stuff, "whatcha doing?" she questioned. "Sorting through tommys things I figured I need to do it sooner or later" I replied.

"Want some help?" she asked, "ok" I replied as she knelt down next to me. "What about his makeup?" I asked, "well you can use it right?" she suggested. "I don't wear makeup that often, it wouldn't get used" I told her. "Well I can use it" she answered, "sure" I replied handing it to her. I looked round the room, the charity pile was bigger than the rest. All that was in the keep pile was jewellery, pictures, a few bits of makeup and tommys favourite outfit.

"It looks so empty now" Ashley said, I looked around she was right this apartment was too big for just me now. With my things there wasn't much left, I decided in that moment that after tommys funeral I was leaving. I glimpsed at the clock as I stood, "I have to go and do some shopping are you staying here while im gone or going back to yours?" I questioned. "I reckon i'll stay here your apartment is better than mine plus you have food I don't" she mused.

"Ok well I shouldn't be long, no more than an hour" I replied. "Okie dokie have fun" she answered as I shrugged on my jacket. I left the house and made my way into town, after a while I stopped and looked up at the apartment block towered above me. I walked into the foyer and headed for the stairs, someone in a hooded jumper ran down the stairs running into me as I almost fell. "Idiot" I muttered as I reached the floor I needed.

I found number 20 and went to knock, the door was ajar as I pushed it gently. I creaked open an eerie silence hanging in the air, "hello?" I said but I got no reply. I found a red letter on the side with my name on it as I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. "Is anyone here?" I asked as I made my way through the apartment, I pushed the bedroom door open and gasped my heart in my mouth. Laying on the floor was a person, they were laying in a pool of blood.

I bent down they were dead, I stepped back my back hitting the wall as I heard raised voices. Police officers came running in, they pointed guns in my face. "Hands on your head!" they shouted as I did what I was told, "youre under arrest" one told me grabbing my hands and pulling them behind my back. "What no, I just found him like that" I protested as cuffs were tightened round my wrists.

"Save it for the judge" they said pushing me out of the door and leading me down the steps, I struggled against them. "It wasn't me please I don't even know this guy!" I cried as I was pushed into a car. I was driven away, after a short drive I was led into the station and down the steps. The cuffs removed and the cell door locked, I grabbed the bars "it wasn't me!" I shouted but they ignored me. After countless hours the sergeant that kept pestering me came down the stairs, "ahh adam caught red handed at the scene of the crime for the second time in 2 weeks" he said smirking.

"It wasn't me" I replied, he mimicked me making me feel small. "I'll be the judge of that now my favourite part of the day. Question time, cuff him" he instructed as I was cuffed and dragged upstairs. I couldn't be stuck here, not for something I didn't do.

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