Chapter Sixteen

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The party was in full swing, everyone was drinking in honour of tommy. I watched Ashley and the others dancing across the room, there were people all around chatting away with each other. I watched them all as I sipped my orange juice, alcohol and sleeping tablets is a no go. Suddenly the room fell silent as a group of cops came in all with guns, I saw the sergeant that had questioned me. "What are you doing here! This is a private party do you have no respect!" I snapped walking up to him.

"Ah adam how nice to see you, we wont be long" he said searching the room. His gaze fell on Harrison, he crossed the room. "Hand on your head" he barked as he did as he was told the guns pointed to him.  "Harrison Ratliff im arresting you for the murder of Felix jones and your son tommy joe Ratliff. You don't have to say anything but anything you do say will be given in evidence" he instructed pushing his hands behind his back and cuffing him.

He was led away as the officers filtered out after him, everyone stared at him. "Ok shows over lets get back to the party" Tommys mom called. Everyone went back to what they were doing as she downed her drink and got another. The party came to an end just after 3 am, me and Ashley headed home. I took my tablets and changed into a tshirt and boxers as I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

A few days later.....

"What you looking at?" Ashley asked, "apartments" I replied. She looked at the laptop, "San Diego. Youre going back home but that's miles away" she said. "Not really 2 hours by car, its not that far" I told her. "But you haven't thought about this" she answered, "I have and anyway its too late I move in 2 weeks I have it all sorted here" I said clicking on a picture as a house popped up. "Its huge" she said, "not really theres bigger. I miss back home. The house has a pool and its right on the harbour, it wasn't that expensive either. But you see Ashley I have to go, theres nothing here for me now" I told her.

"What about me?" she asked, "well I was hoping you would come with me" I said. "You want me to come with you?" she questioned, "yeah I mean if you want to" I told her. "Sure screw it, lets do it. I have nothing here for me lets go wreak havoc on san diego" she said. I laughed "its not as busy as LA you know that right" I said. She nodded "its cool I can rock the country life" she answered.

"I suppose we should pack soon then if we're leaving in a few weeks" she said, I laughed "maybe you should I don't have much left to pack" I replied. My mobile rang as I picked it up, "hello?" I questioned. "Adam its Katie, the police want us up the station says they have information for us about tommy" she said. "Ok what time?" I asked, "half past 12" she told me. "Ok we'll be there" I said as she hung up. Ashley raised an eyebrow at me, "tommys mom. She said the police have news about tommy" I said.

"What time?" she questioned, I looked up at the clock "in half hour" I replied. "We better go" she told me as I shrugged on my jacket and we climbed into the car. We got to the station just after 20 past, tommys mom and grandparents and sister were all waiting. "Hey" I said as we approached them, "you made it, lets go in" tommys mom said as we all filtered in.

We were all lead into a room as the sergeant walked in, "You are all probably wondering why I called you here today" he said as everyone chorused yes. "Well Harrison Ratliff had admitted to killing both Felix and Tommy. It seemed he held a grudge against his son because of his sexual preference and how it lead to the breakdown of his marriage. Felix knew of his plans, we suspect he killed him because he knew too much. He framed adam, we believe this is because adam was tommys partner. So we have our killer, you can rest assured he wont be leaving again. I suspect he will be left in prison for the rest of his lives, I thank you for your cooperation with the case. Even if we got our wires crossed once or twice" he said looking at me.

"We hope this is some closure for you all, youre all free to go" he said. He left as everyone stared at each other, "Harrison killed his own kid wow that's messed up" Ashley mused I nudged her. "Its fine shes right what a sick, twisted person I had no idea" his mom replied. "Im sorry adam, that you got the blame for his crime" his sister said. I shrugged "its ok" I replied. We stayed and talked for a while as we all went our separate ways, once we got home Ashley placed the red envelope in front of me. "What about it?" I asked, "we didn't open it" she mused.

She was right, I picked it up and slid my fingers underneath the seal breaking it as I pulled it out, "Dear Adam..."

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