Chapter Twelve

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"So do you know where my son is?" Katie asked sitting opposite me stirring her tea. "Why do you want him? From what ive been told you don't get along" I replied running my finger round the top of the glass in front of me. "That's the reason im here, I want us to sort out our differences. At the end of the day hes still my son, if he wants to be gay and be with you than I need to support him like I should have been doing all these years" she explained. "Why now? Why now do you want to sort it out?" I questioned, "because ive finally got control of my mind. The new tablets im on are making that so much better. Hes still my baby no matter how old he is" she told me.

I swallowed, she didn't know did I have to be the one to tell her? "You hurt him, I saw the cut" I told her. "I know, but you have to understand that was just one time. After felix told me what I had done I went straight to the doctors and they upped my dosage" she answered. I stood and went to leave, "I have to get home im sorry" I told her. She followed me outside and called me as I stopped in my tracks, my heart skipped a beat as I saw the look of concern on her face. "Tell me where me son is please" she begged.

I didn't know what to tell her as I turned to face her properly. "Have the police not told you?" I said wanting to get this conversation over with. She looked surprised at my question, "no why would the police want me?" she questioned. I let out a shaky breath, "I didn't want to be the one to tell you this but tommy doesn't live here anymore" I told her. "What do you mean he doesn't?" she asked, "hes dead. Someone murdered him a couple of weeks ago" I told her. Her legs gave way as I grabbed her before she fell onto the floor as tears ran down her face, "not tommy not my boy" she said in between sobs as I looked down at her.

"Im sorry, really I am. There wasn't anything we could have done" I told her as her hands gripped my jacket. She didn't say anything just sobbed, "come on I only live a short walk away" I told her helping her up off the floor. I got back to mine as I unlocked the front door, "where the hell have you been!" Ashley exploded as her gaze fell to Tommys mother. "A word in the kitchen" she snapped as I rolled my eyes, "why don't you have a seat in the front room i'll get us a drink" I told her pointing to the right door.

I went into the kitchen pushing the door shut behind me, "well?" she said crossing her arms. "Well what? I went out that's all what is the big deal" I retorted. "Well whos she then hmm? Don't tell me youre dating her shes old!" she snapped. I laughed "that's Katie" I said. "Oh and who is this Katie" she said, "she is tommys mother. I just told her that her son was dead so stop with the questions, and FYI in a grown man I can talk to whoever I damn well want and do what I want. I don't need lecturing by you!" I snapped.

I left the room and walked back into the lounge, "here" I said handing her the tea. She took it and thanked me her gaze falling onto the picture on the mantle of me and Tommy. I followed her gaze, "that was his birthday" I told her handing it to her. She ran her fingertips over tommys face, "you looked so happy together" she told me. "We were, very its weird without him being here" I said sitting in the armchair.

"I should imagine it is, he never told me about you. I knew nothing about you until I saw his phone lockscreen, you seemed very good for him. He was happier than I had seen him in ages the last time I saw him, I don't know how you managed to cope with him being gone you seemed to be very much in love" she explained. "He wasn't the kind of person to just tell people everything, we were happy. But don't get me wrong we had days where it wasn't so happy, but its a normal thing because at the end of the day I loved him and he loved me. I wont lie to you its been harder than anything I could have imagined, more downs than ups pretty much all the time" I explained.

"I can tell, its written all over your face. In these pictures youre happy, now the light from your eyes is gone. You look like you haven't slept in weeks and your pale compared to these pictures. Its hard but it will get easier, I cant believe someone could just kill him like that. He was always such a bright and happy little boy when he was young. Always running around, playing that damn guitar all hours of the day. He had dark hair when he was small you know, he was so small when he was born. I remember holding his tiny hands in mine, things started to go wrong when he was a teenager" she said her voice cracking with unshed tears.

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