Chapter Eleven

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I woke up with the pressing need to pee as I slid from my bed, I was disorientated as I crossed the room slowly. I stumbled on something as I fell hitting my head on the corner of the dresser, I stood and sleepily made my way into the bathroom. Once I was done I climbed back into bed and fell back to sleep again almost instantly.

The next day...

"Hey adam I brought food and coffee" Ashley called, I heard her walk past looking for me. "In here" I answered as she looked through the darkness in the room, she flung the curtains open as I covered my eyes and winced at the sudden bright light. "Is there a reason youre sitting in the dark?" she asked placing the coffee on the table. "Because I feel horrible, I was sitting in the dark because I keep going dizzy and I have a headache" I told her. "No wonder look at the size of that lump on my head!" she exclaimed touching it with her fingertips as I winced and cursed.

"Sorry" she replied, "its fine" I snapped as she blinked. "Sorry I didn't mean to snap, its ok really how crappy I feel isn't to do with the lump on my head. Its side affects of my anxiety meds" I explained. "Oh right, how did you hit your head anyways?" she asked. "I tripped last night smacked it on the corner of my dresser it freaking hurts like a bitch" I said smiling a little.

"Did you not think to put any thing on it?" she asked, I shrugged "it didn't hurt until this morning" I replied. She stood and returned a few minutes later with a tea towel in her hands, "sit still" she told me placing the tea towel on my head. I gasped at the coldness at first, after a few minutes it felt good. "Have you eaten breakfast?" Ashley asked, "No im not hungry" I replied. "Adam seriously you know what the doctor said you have to eat" she instructed. "Just stop Ashley" I snapped walking away, I headed into the garden. I felt bad shouting at Ashley like that, I don't know whats wrong with me. Everything started to spin around me as I leant against the wall as my vision blurred, "Ashley" I said as I fell to the floor darkness engulfing me.

"Adam, hey adam wake up" a voice said, It was distant. I struggled to open my eyes, they were too heavy. "Adam"  the voice said again as cold wet hit my face, my eyes flew open as Ashely looked at me holding an empty jug. "That's freezing" I muttered shivering, "sorry dude I couldn't get you to wake up" Ashley replied. "I don't need a cold on top of everything else" I said as my hair dripped with water, I was laying on the sofa with the curtains pulled to "do you remember what happened?" she asked. "Everything started spinning then just black, then I woke up soaking wet" I said.

She laughed "yeah sorry about that" she told me, "its fine. Im going to go and get some food" I told her. She stared at me open mouthed as I stood and made my way towards the kitchen, I went through the cupboards and pulled out a big bar of chocolate. I went back into the front room, "Interesting choice" she said as I looked at her. "Wanna help me eat it while we watch films?" I asked, "well I cant let you eat it all yourself" she answered as I switched on the TV and pressed play. I snapped the chocolate and held it out to Ashley who took it and bit into it.

A few hours later...

Ashley was asleep next to me, she was snoring quietly. I burped as acidy rose in my throat, "ew" I said sipping the lemonade. My chest was burning, oh great indigestion. I let out a breath as I swallowed and stood, I went into the kitchen in search of tablets. We didn't have any, I debated drinking milk but that was kind of out of the question I felt sick enough as it was. I shrugged on my jacket and grabbed my keys, my eyes fell on my car but I shook my head. I cant drive while im on these sleeping tablets, I walked the short distance to the pharmacy.

I picked up some antacids as I made my way home, some guy walked up to me stopping me in my tracks. "Are you adam?" he asked, "whos asking" I replied. "The same person you've been ignoring the texts and letters from" he told me. "How did you find me? What the hell is your problem?" I snapped. "Tommy is alive adam, I will tell you everything but not now. Wait for my letter, don't forget im always watching" he said disappearing into the crowd of people.

I made my way down the alleyway on route to my way home as I rubbed my chest, the burning was getting worse even though I had taken one of the antacids. I burped then realised that was a big mistake, vomit splattered onto the concrete in front of me as I bent over leaning on the wall. Too much chocolate is never a good idea, I coughed my throat burning and nose running. "Excuse me are you ok?" a voice said as I turned and saw a blonde woman standing a bit back.

"Yeah fantastic" I replied, she smiled "happens to everyone here" she said handing me a tissue. "Thank you" I answered, she looked familiar somehow. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, I stepped back and looked at her. "Youre adam right?" she questioned, "whos asking?" I replied. She laughed quietly, "im looking for someone. Apparently he knows an adam, you look like the guy in the pictures" she told me. "Who are you? Who are you looking for?" I asked. "Im Katie, im looking for my son Tommy Joe Ratliff" she told me as I stared at her.

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