Chapter Three

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I rolled over and came face to face with brown eyes and blonde hair, "morning" I said. He smiled "good morning" he replied stroking my face with his fingertips. I leant into his touch as he kissed me, "I love you" he told me. "I love you too" I laughed pushing myself up on my elbow. "What are we doing today?" he asked, "we're going to London for a few days remember" I told him. "Oh yeah, what time is our flight?" he asked, "we've got a couple of hours yet. We should probably pack" I told him.

We climbed out of bed as I grabbed our cases from the top of the wardrobe, "bagsy the shower first" tommy said smirking. "Fine" I replied smirking back at him, I started packing clothes into the cases as I heard the water running. I headed into the kitchen and filled the kettle as I put it on to boil and stuck some bread in the toaster. Tommy walked out in just a towel as I turned almost dropping the plate I was holding,  "well that's a nice view" I replied."I don't know mines not half bad either" he replied, "Funny come on eat we have to leave soon" I told him as I went to shower. After I was done we got dressed and drove to the airport.

I looked up at the board, "Our flight isn't for half an hour did you want to look round the shops?" I asked. "Sure" he replied lacing his fingers with mine, we strolled round the shops as the tannoy sounded. "Flight 257 to London now boarding at gate 4." We followed the flow of people to the gate as we showed them our tickets and crossed the tarmac. Tommy looked up at the plane and gulped as I took his hand in mine as we went up the steps.

We found our seats tommy by the window me near the aisle, the seat belt sign came on as we pulled them over our laps and the air hostess stepped in front of us. They did the whole the exits are here, here and hear thing. "Flight 257 to London is now departing please remain in your seat until the aircraft is in the air have a good flight" the captain said. Tommys grip on my hand tightened as the plane gathered speed, he closed his eyes as we left the ground and flew into the sky. He didn't like planes, "tommy look" I said as he opened one eye. The other slowly followed as he let out a breath and gave me a small smile.

I looked at my phone we were only 4 hours into our flight, Tommy was asleep next to me. It would be 5 am the next day when our flight landed in London, its crazy the time difference its a good thing were staying for 5 days I guess. I watched tommy sleeping, he looked peaceful now. Such a difference from a few days ago where he went off the rails a little, I shuddered at the thought as the minutes ran into hours. I must have fallen asleep as I was woken by tommy shaking me and calling my name, "huh what?" I asked groggily. "We're almost there look!" he said as I stretched and blinked. 

"Wow its so pretty" tommy breathed his hands leaving mine as he pressed his nose against the window, we flew over big ben and the London eye all lit up. Thousands upon thousands of tiny lights stretched before us as I sighed quietly.  "Everything looks better from above, its funny. It all looks peaceful from up here but when your down there its crazy busy" I mused. "Flight 257 is now coming in to land please fasten your seatbelts and remain in your seats" The tannoy sounded.

The plane dropped as tommy gasped, "take my hand" I told him as he did and squeezed tight as we nose dived towards the ground. The plane bounced a little as it hit the runway, it slowly came to a stop as we took off our belts and made our way off the plane. "My legs feel like jelly" tommy said as I laughed and wrapped my arm round his waist. Once we had our bags we climbed into a taxi, the hotel we had booked was right by the west end.

"Its huge" tommy breathed as we looked up, "its pretty big I bet the inside is fancy" I told him. He took my hand as we made our way inside, "hey erm we have a reservation?" I said to the receptionist. "Welcome to the Hilton may I take you name?" she asked, "erm adam. Adam lambert?" I questioned as she searched the computer, "ahh yes room 457 here you go i'll get the valet to bring your bags up to you we hope you enjoy your stay" she said handing us a room key.

We made our way upstairs as I slid the key through the door, I pushed it open and looked around. "Its hella fancy adam look at that TV!" tommy exclaimed. We looked around, fairly decent sized front room, kitchen and bathroom with a bedroom with a king sized bed. I walked over to the window, "you can see all of London" I said. "Its such an awesome view" he replied, "do you want food?" I asked. He nodded as we ordered room service, after we had eaten we unpacked and headed to bed.


"Ok Adam that's enough for now, lets take a break" the officer said flexing his fingers from where he had been writing vigorously on the notepad in front of him. He stopped the recorder as he left the room, I was left alone with my thought. I remember our London trip so well, that was 8 months before tommy had died. I placed my steepled fingers under my chin as I looked down at the table. All those memories, all those pictures.

If I Could Turn Back Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें