Chapter Fourteen

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"How do you know felix jones?" the officer asked, "I don't know him hes tommys stepdad that's all why?" I asked. "I'll ask the questions thank you very much, felix jones was the guy we found dead. The guy whos house you were found in" he informed me. So tommys stepdad was the guy sending me letters and calling me. He was the guy who I bumped into that day, he knew where tommy was the whole time. But that's not possible I saw tommy, he was definitely dead. "Why did you kill him adam? Did he provoke you, make you angry like tommy did when you argued. Is that why you killed him and why you killed tommy!" he said banging his fists on the table.

"I told you I didn't kill anyone!" I shouted, "really well im afraid the evidence is stacked against you. You were at the scene of the crime when tommy was killed, you were seen arguing with him the day before he died. And today we find you at the scene of a different murder just admit you did it. Whats wrong was tommy having relations with someone else someone you didn't like!" he pressed. I clenched my fists at my side, "I refuse to speak to you without my lawyer" I retorted.

"Fine interview suspended at 1.00pm. Take him to the cells" he said as once again I was placed in the dingy cells. I paced the floor anxiously, it was like the room was closing in around me. My breathing became shallow the more I paced, I licked my lips nervously I needed my tablets. My chest became tight as I heard raised voices, "I demand to see adam lambert" the voice said. I pinned it to be Ashleys, "you cant keep him here he needs his tablets. Let him go, he doesn't know that guy!" she shouted.

I listened as footsteps came down the stairs, Ashley was with an officer. She looked at me and gasped, "Ashley" I said. "Calm down" she told me as my chest became tighter, "you fucking idiots look at him. He has anxiety, locking him in a tiny cell without his tablets its inhumane!" she snapped reaching into her bag. "Here" she told me handing me the box, I took it and took them as my breathing slowly went back to normal. The officer went to take the box as Ashley pushed him back, "seriously he needs them" she warned.

He grabbed them as Ashley flipped out she smacked him with her bag and snatched the box from him, "that's assaulting a police officer" he said. "Then arrest me asshole!" she snapped angrily, she was thrown into the cell with me as the officer held his bloody nose. "Well that was interesting" I mused, "jumped up idiot deserved it" she replied. "You know youre gonna get charged for that right?" I questioned. "So fucking what he can kiss my ass, how long are they keeping you here for?" she answered.

I shrugged "no idea they think I killed this felix guy aswell now. I didn't he asked me to go and see him when I got there he was dead" I explained. A man in a sharp suit came down the stairs with the officer Ashley had hit, his nose was bruised as I stifled laughter. "Adam" the man said, "joseph boy am I glad to see you" I said.

A while later....

"Interview resumed at 3.30pm present sergeant moss, joseph winters and adam lambert" the officer said.  "So why were you at felix' apartment?" the officer asked, "he asked me to come. Hes been sending me letter for weeks. Calling me nonstop and watching me, he told me that he knows tommy isn't really dead and said he has proof" I explained. "And why have you not mentioned these letters, or brought this up with the police" he questioned. "Because you guys don't do shit, well except accuse innocent people of things they haven't done" I retorted.

"Watch your mouth" he replied, "im sure you'd like my mouth. My gaydar is going crazy" I muttered under my breath. I pinned him in my gaze  "get this into your head I did NOT kill tommy and I did NOT kill felix" I said ever so slowly. "Do not talk to me like im stupid adam, we have proof that you were there" he snapped. "DNA on tommy and finding you at the second scene" he snapped, "what is your deal officer? Why are you so sure it was me who did this hmm? Were you involved in the whole thing or is this just you being a complete asshole" I snapped.

"Watch it, you can get arrested for that" he replied, I scoffed "you've already arrested me. Maybe you should look at other people, I bet it was Tommys dad that killed him" I replied crossing my arms. "Why would he kill his own son?" he questioned, "oh I don't know because he was a homophobic deadbeat who ran away from a teenager because he couldn't handle the fact he liked dick" I shouted.

"Enough!" the officer shouted as I smirked, "sorry did I hit a nerve" I replied. "How dare you" he replied. "Oh I dare, face it officer you have zero evidence I killed them. Youre clutching at straws trying to keep pinning this on me" I said. "Interveiw ended at 4.00pm" he snapped, I placed my hands on the table reading the officers face. He didn't have shit and he knew that I knew it, "you can go for now" he said as I was led out. Ashley was charged and we headed home, once we were in my hands found the letter."Whats that?" she asked, "a letter I think we should open it don't you?" I said as we sat down.

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