Chapter Two

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I hate you I wish I had never met you! The words echoed round in my head, I watched him run. I followed him but never got any nearer. I heard the scream, the scream that made my blood run cold. I splashed through liquid to get to him, I looked down at the floor red with blood. It was dark, I made my way through the darkness my hands on the wall.

I stumble over something falling to the floor my hands covered with red as I reach for the light. The thing I tripped over was a person, I saw the blonde hair over their face. I move it fearing the worst my heart in my mouth, I gasp and stroke their face. Cold to the touch and pale, my eyes move down to their wrists, nothing but blood blood everywhere. I scream my body shaking uncontrollably, tears run down my face as I cradle my boyfriend. "NO Tommy" I cried as my eyes sprang open.

I sat up and blinked in the darkness, my hair was stuck to my head with sweat and my breathing heavy as I swallowed and ran my hands through my hair. I heard the clunk of the cell door being opened as an officer walked in. "Up mr lambert the Sargent would like to ask you some more questions" he replied.

He reached into his pocket as he withdraw his handcuffs, the cold metal biting into my hot flesh as I looked down at the floor as I was led up the steps. I stumbled as the officer hoisted me back up, I was led into the interview room. I was locked in and left alone, I looked down at my shaking hands as my eyes darted round the room. I sat for what seemed like hours an eerie silence hanging in the air as my dream replayed round and round in my head.

I can see him everywhere, the blonde hair and those dark eyes. I heard the door open as my eyes flew to the officer walking into the room. He placed a plastic cup or water in front of me, I sipped it as I pinned the officer in my gaze. "So here we are again" he told me, "yes" I replied. "Youre certainly more subdued than yesterday funny what a night in a cell can do" he answered. "When can I go home?" I asked, "when I feel as though there are no more unanswered questions could be hours or even days" he said.

"Why cant you understand I don't know anything youre keeping me here for nothing. I found him that's all nothing else!" I protested. "Lets get back to the story shall we. The sooner I know everything the sooner you get to go home, now lets go" he instructed pressing play on the recorder. "Lets start with the date of the 5th of November shall we, when mr Ratliff was taken in hospital and you were seen arguing with him" he told me.


"Are we still going tonight tommy?" I asked, I got no reply. I went into the bedroom and found him laying on the bed, pills were scattered next to him with a half empty bottle of vodka. On the side was a note, it said that that he was bad for me. He had fallen out with his parents and lost his grandma in a matter of a few days, I rushed to his side and shook him but he didn't wake up. My fingers went to his neck as I dialled 911, "hello I need and ambulance. My boyfriend hes overdosed, he had a pulse but its weak" I told the operator. "Well be with you shortly can I have your address?" she asked, "20 pear tree lane please hurry!" I answered as I put the phone down.

"Come on tommy stay with me" I begged lifting his head onto my lap, there was a knock at the door as I ran to open it. Paramedics rushed in to the room in a flurry of activity and medical lingo, he was taken away in an ambulance. I held his hand the whole way there, when we got to the hospital he was whisked away. I paced the floor impatiently waiting for news, after a while the doctors returned. He was alive and slowly waking up, I went in to see him he was laying in the bed his eyes distant and his skin pale.

"You promised" I told him, "I know I didn't mean to I just wanted it to stop" he whispered back. "You should have talked to me! Not do this, do you have any idea how worried I was!" I exclaimed. "Im sorry adam" he replied, "sorry?" I questioned as he nodded. "I thought I was going to loose you tommy!" I cried, "you'll never loose me I know it was stupid it wont happen again. I love you adam" he told me. The anger fizzled away at his puppy dog eyes, that smile that made me weak at the knees. I clung to his hand and kissed him, "never do that again" I whispered. "I wont adam" he replied"

~End of Flashback~

"See he did it himself! Our argument was nothing, lovers have tiffs all the time. I loved him and he loved me" I told him searching his face. "Interesting account mr lambert but of course this isn't the first time you've argued and hes been in hospital" he informed me. "I know this! Tommy had depression, he was in and out of hospital so many times because he tried to kill himself. Yet I stuck by him when any other person would have given up on him!" I exclaimed.

"That's very touching but unfortunately we have more questions" he told me. "Youre enjoying this aren't you? How many more of my memories do you want from me? Yes me and tommy faught often, yes he was in hospital a lot but our relationship was fine" I told him. "Oh really" he answered pulling out a folder, I dragged my fingers through my hair. He was never going to give up, he didn't realise it hurt too much to remember.

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