Chapter Ten

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I looked down at the new letter, whoever it was asking me to meet them. Telling me again Tommy was still alive, I had a new phone but the unknown number was still ringing me constantly. Whenever I answered it, it was the usual thing. Breathing and no words, it was freaking me out. I was becoming more on edge, I kept getting sick where I was stressing out so much. Ashley was round everyday still, she worried about me. My parents had since gone home but rang me everyday, I found myself just sitting in a room in silence all the time.

I heard a thud outside as I went to the window and looked out, there was nothing there just my breath fogging up the glass. I heard another thud coming from the other side of the garden, they were moving round the house. I waited as my breathing became faster, there was a knock at the door that made me jump. I grabbed an umbrella from the stand as I went to grab the handle, I pulled it open raising the umbrella as I saw Ashley. "What the hell?" she asked as I dropped the umbrella, "I heard a noise" I told her.

"That was me, I rang the doorbell but you didn't answer so I walked round to see if you were even in" she told me. "Oh.. Sorry" I said as she came in and shut the door, "You look terrible" she told me as poured out 2 glasses of juice. "I haven't been sleeping well" I told her, "or at all by the looks of things" she replied. "I cant sleep, its always nightmares. Jumping at every single sound, I spend most of the night sitting on my bed in the dark listening to crashes outside" I explained. "This person is driving you insane Adam, I think we need to take you to the doctors" she answered.

"I don't want to go its fine" I told her, "don't lie to me adam we're going. Im going to call them now and see if I can get them to fit you in today" she told me walking into the entrance hall. I heard her on the phone a few minutes later, I heard her say thanks as she walked back into the kitchen. "Go get dressed they squeezed you in at 10" she told me. I looked at the clock it was half past 9, I sighed and made my way upstairs. I hated the doctors and all things medical. I pulled on my jeans, they were so loose I had to wear a belt. I pulled on my tshirt and grabbed my grey jumper and beanie. Ashley was waiting in the hall by the front door twirling her car keys round her finger. "Ready?" She asked, " I have to brush my teeth" I replied as I went into the bathroom.

My phone trilled with a text message, "stop ignoring my letters I have important things to tell you about Tommy. I know he's alive and where he is." "Tommy is dead. Just leave me alone" I typed back as Ashley banged on the door as I dropped my phone in surprise. "I'm coming" I called back wiping my mouth and opening the door. "Let's go" she told me, I followed her to the car and climbed in. Within 10 minutes we pulled up outside the doctors, I was only sitting there for a few minutes when my name was called. "Go I'll be here when you're done, make sure you tell him everything ok?" She said as I nodded and went in.

"Ahh Adam take a seat" the doctor told me as I sat opposite him. "What seems to be the problem?" He asked, "my boyfriend died a few weeks ago. The police think it was me, I keep crying. And now some stalker keeps ringing me, texting me, writing me letters and hanging round my house. It means I'm alway on edge, I can't sleep and I'm hardly eating I don't know what to do anymore it's making me ill" I explained. "How often do you cry?" He questioned.

"Everyday, but a lot" I answered blushing, "do you ever get to the point where you can't breathe or it makes you physically sick?" He asked. "Sometimes" I answered as he typed it into the computer. "Ok so this anxiety about the person harassing you it means you can't sleep?" He questioned. "I'm up basically all night because I freak out when I hear a noise" I told him. "Ok Adam I'm going to write you a prescription" he told me writing one out. "What for?" I questioned, "anxiety and sleeping tablets" he replied.

He ripped it off and handed it to me, "we need to see you again in a week. Until then take your tablets, make sure you eat little and often get your body used to eating again. If you don't eat you'll make yourself more Ill. Drink plenty of water ok?" He instructed me. "Yes doctor" I replied standing, "ive booked you in for the same time next week" he told me as I nodded and left. Ashley stood up as I walked out, "well?" she asked. "Tablets" I replied waving the prescription at her, "which ones?" she asked. "Sleeping tablets and anxiety ones with a fancy name" I told her, she smirked "dude you are going to be so out of it with all those" she answered.

"Better than no sleep and jumping at every sound" I replied as we came out of the pharmacy. We climbed into the car as we headed home, I had to start the tablets straight away I swallowed one lot as I read through the instruction booklets. Reading these side affects I groaned, I wasn't feeling them all that much but apparently they will help so im down to try anything.

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