sesshomaru x reader

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You were walking in the middle of a trail, you were a traveling demoness. Your inu ears flicked with every sound nearby, you clutched your satchel to your waist.

You had no home to go to so you wandered the country in search of...well you had no clue what.

You twirled your naginata with a elegant grace that would make a master swordsmen cough up his title.

You sniffed the air and froze, you felt a strong aura in the distance much stronger than you. You immediately stopped walking and gasped when a tall masculine figure came into view.

You gasped and bowed swiftly "m-my lord!", you didn't dare make eye contact and kept your head down.

He walked towards you and you feared today would be the day you die, your eye's closed and you accepted your fate.

Suddenly, you felt a claw on your shoulder. You looked up stunned by the contact of the lord sesshomaru.

"M-my lord?"

He remained emotionless before asking "Where is your settlement?".

You looked confused for a moment before answering "i-i have no home. I am a traveler" you stated.

He nodded and turned his back on you "come", you dared not disobey and followed after him a couple of paces behind him.

You didn't understand that this small gesture was that sesshomaru of the western land's had claimed you as his own and had accepted you as his own. And for that you owed him your loyalty and your undying love, you never left his side.

Inuyasha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now