Inuyasha x reader

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You looked past the burning wood alight with flames towards the awkward couple on the other side. The man with the white hair and doggy ears stared at the raven hair young woman in love and admiration. At least, that's what you saw.

Inuyasha was his name.

The half demon who had been pinned to the old tree in inuyasha's forest by his first love. The priestess kikyo who was tricked by the vile demon naraku leading to the ultimate betrayal and the untimely death of the two lovers.

Inuyasha had awoken years later by the beautiful reincarnation of kikyo, kagome higurashi. Who just so happened to be sitting right across from you. They began their journey long before you had arrived. And yet you have known inuyasha long before kagome came into the picture. And inuyasha didn't even know it.

Who did you think preserved his body all that time? It sure wasn't the people in the village! Don't you think inuyasha would have been hungry as a cannibal once he was let loose? Who do you think kept him from becoming skin and bones all this time?! That's right you!

You were once a great friend of inuyasha. You both had met up at an old oak tree before he had ever met kikyo. Friendship between a human and a half demon was forbidden in your village.

You were in love that time. You had realized after months of constant meetings. And one day inuyasha had told you of kikyo. And what broke your heart was that was the day you were to confess your love. But, instead of anger or resentment. You had smiled and hugged him telling him how happy you were for him.

Later, when he left you cried yourself to sleep and even avoided eating for a few days.

Soon, the meetings became shorter and some days you stood in the meeting place alone and saddened knowing your love was out with another woman.

Then, there was the constant gossip of the half demon pinned to the sacred tree in priestess kikyo ' s village. You had immediately rushed off ignoring the constant calls from your village members.

You collapsed in grief and shock upon seeing your beloved pinned to the sacred tree by a single purification arrow. You cried in sorrow and tried waking him up for days. It took a while for you to realize he was breathing and still alive.

You took special care of him for month's and soon realized you wouldn't be able to take care of him for long. So in order to stay as his guardian for as long as he needed, you had requested the help from an old witch who had owed you a life debt.

She was able to give you the life span of a half demon as you were only human. However, you had not known they would also have the effect of turning you into a half demon as well.

You had ignored this fact but, not after being shunned by your village and becoming an orphan but, you stuck with him. It took years but, he soon awoke and when he did.

Kikyo was with him once more but, at the same time it wasn't kikyo. It was a girl from the future. Who claimed to be named kagome.

And inuyasha didn't even recognize you let alone remember who the hell (y/n) was.

You never told him only set on building back the relationship stolen from you both.

You cast your eye's down with a sigh and looked back towards your clawed hands. You fought back tears at the painful memories and took out a necklace from your pocket.

It was a hand carved paw print not to big and not to small. Inuyasha had given it to you once but, he never Remebered it. You smiled alittle at the words he said to you on the day he gave it.

He put the necklace around your neck whispering in your ears "as long as you have this. I'll never forget you. And you better not forget me got that, wench" he said with a slight blush on his face and a soft yet stern voice.

You turned to him with a smile and a hand on your new necklace "I got it, dog boy. And thank you its beautiful".

It made him stutter and blush like he always did when he was embarrassed.

You chuckled alittle at the memory and then your head bolted up when you caught the scent of...a purification arrow?

You turned swiftly getting up and noticed an arrow surrounded by a dark purple light heading straight for kagome. You quickly reached out. You may not have liked kagome that much but, that was no reason to cause inuyasha pain or misery.

You took hold of the arrow shocking everyone at your sudden movement and the flaming arrow in your grasp. You growled as you broke the arrow in half and ignored the shaky thank you given from kagome.

The little kitsune you had grown fond of not to long ago named shippo came up on your shoulder holding on for dear life as you looked off into the dark woods where the arrow sailed from.

"W-what was that?" He asked frightened.

You assured him by giving him a small smile with a kiss on the forehead "it's nothing to worry about pup. Your gonna be fine".

You saw inuyasha get up from the corner of your eye coming to stand next to you as sango the demon slayer and miroku went to kagome's side to check for any possible injuries.

Inuyasha looked at you worriedly which was new since all that emotion was saved for kagome. He looked down towards your hand "are you ok?" He asked.

You suddenly felt a burning sensation in your hand and brought it up to your face. You were surprised to see third degree burns covering your whole hand up to your wrist.

You looked back at inuyasha with a frown confused by his change of behavior "since when did you care?" You asked rudely. And you had a right to ask. He had never come to your aid in the battle field. And never asked if you were fine or hurt. He always went to kagome.

You walked away from him with purpose without making further eye contact and shippo tried comforting you saying "he's just a big baka".

Inuyasha was alittle surprised and something about that necklace on your neck looked familair. He shook his head and watched you walk off before narrowing his eye's and huffed "stupid wench".

You both walked separate ways that is until, inuyasha saw soul sealers in the sky.

Inuyasha X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now